Shower keeps tripping the fusebox

You probably wouldn't like full mains flow and pressure pointed at you - i.e. a hose pipe.
Quite so - and you might not even be all that keen on have 'full flow pointed at you' if it were under 'gravity pressure' from a loft tank. This is why, contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, pressure is really not the most important factor.

Kind Regards, John
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The Crabtree Shower Switch
Not sure if these pics will shine any light

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Just been up and the cabling to me looks sound. Checked it all the way from shower to isolator to supply cable. No kinks, breaks, scorch marks. I'm at a loss. Maybe it is tje fuse box. Maybe the cable from shower to isolator needs replacing. Looks like i need the electrician to return
Just had a thought. I checked the cable by looking at it, I'm definitely no expert as you all know.
The shower used to trip a lot, could this have damaged the cable in a way I could not see?
The only positive to come from this is the cabling is easily accessible to replace if necessary.
Just had a thought. I checked the cable by looking at it, I'm definitely no expert as you all know.
The shower used to trip a lot, could this have damaged the cable in a way I could not see?
Not unless cable is too small, then it might become damaged.

The shower doesn't trip. The MCB does; it might be faulty.

I might have missed it but have you ruled out a faulty shower?
Faulty shower was ruled out at it was tested by electrician and was brand new too.
My consumer unit is very old so my next thought is either the 40A MCB is iffy or the whole unit is. It's very old - can't see anything similar on the internet so probably can't get a replacement MCB.
The strange thing is how the replacing the isolator switch was ok for about 3 weeks and now it's back to square one which is why I thought maybe the cable from the shower to the isolator switch is the issue.
Everything was ok before we had central heating installed.

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