Sir Nigel Farage

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Nigel campaigned for years to leave the EU.
What really tipped the balance in favour of independence was Blairs blatantly anti British action of opening the floodgates of uncontrolled immigration from Eastern Europe and beyond.
Blairs assertion that the white British population were too insular and needed to have their noses rubbed in multiculturalism annoyed a lot of people.
Absolutely right.. them same people on here constantly want to point out none of us are British or real natives etc etc desperate to discredit any foundation to being british here. Fck off!
The 2019 GE was a vote on a key topic of BREXIT and Scotland voted accordingly.
The 2021 Scottish Parliament election will be a vote on the key topic of INDEPENDENCE, by which time the UK/EU trade agreement will be finalised.
Boris just needs to sit back and let the Scots follow their own agenda.
Sturgeon may argue Boris' denial will lead to a constitutional crisis, but even the courts may rule to wait until 2021.
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Sorry to interfere so late in the discussion, but I always thought that to gain a knighthood, obe, etc. you had to be a hardcore criminal.
Maybe I misunderstood...
When is that?
Can you post a link?
So I thought I read somewhere in an article that the year 2022 was th earliest date agreed within the legal time frame for another indy ref, must have confused it with something else, not that it matters a jot.

There's no legaly binding agreement that can really stop them that can't be trumped by another ruling. The only thing in the way, time wise, is how long it takes the Scottish govt to challenge Westminster in the court for their fundamental right to full self rule. Not something I want see, the break up, but can see and understand Scotlands position.

Let them themselves choose like we did. Afterall we didn't need the EU's permission to request a referendum did we?

I wonder how much buffoon will try to bribe them to stay?
I do not know all the legal implications.

Could Cornwall become independent with just an unofficial referendum?

I could never understand the fuss when Ian Smith (just) declared Southern Rhodesia independent.
We should have a referendum in England on whether we want the Scots to have another referendum on Independance?

After all the Scottish vote could affect the rest of the UK and we have no say in the caper
We should have a referendum in England on whether we want the Scots to have another referendum on Independance?

After all the Scottish vote could affect the rest of the UK and we have no say in the caper

Part of me thinks we should stay united, part thinks 'yeah bye!' the likes of that fat fck in our parliament constantly moaning about anything and everything, what actual valid contribution has he ever made in there the bellend.
They should sort out there domestic issues


Literacy in schools

Health ect

As per usual that fatt bellend in parliament does nothing apart from. Blame every one else :LOL:

Dare say the EU would welcome Scotland into the EU with there begging bowel and cap in hand

They have already " begged" the EU not to forget em :LOL:

Exports of haggis
Deep fried battered Mars bars washed down with Irn bru are on the horizon :LOL::LOL::LOL:

The EU wants to balkanise the British Isles just like they did with Yugoslavia .
They encourage ethnic nationalism as opposed to patriotic nationalism in order to breakup existing unions of different identities.
It is divide and rule ,the same old story, a patriot loves his country , a Nationalist hates other peoples countries.
Scottish nationalism is in danger of becoming a mirror image of Irish Nationalism.
Afterall we didn't need the EU's permission to request a referendum did we?

Indeed we didn't.
But lets ensure any future Scottish independence referendum only takes place during a period of high economic growth and prosperity for the UK.
That will ensure a fair and level playing field for all those patriotic Scottish people who are against division and want to remain in the UK and part of the Union.
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The EU wants to balkanise the British Isles just like they did with Yugoslavia

Got any links to this?
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