Smear Karma

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What more details could you need other than the EURO to GBP exchange rate?
Which is now back to where it was before a few months peak. Not really clear why this peak occurred. It may increase in coming months.
my ask was for it to tank a bit - I'm happy with my profits. Thanks to Labour
Oh, you meant, a slight drop.

Ive been looking for the figures of it tanking, and the nearest (most recent) I found was Nov 2023.

You do try to mislead, don't you.
Which is now back to where it was before a few months peak. Not really clear why this peak occurred. It may increase in coming months.
It should rise steadily.. All is not well in Euro land, I was on a call recently where I was advised that nearly half of all German manufacturers are looking to close factories in Germany and move overseas. Some big companies that have been around for over a 100 years are in real trouble.
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