So Divid Miliband bows out.

He'll get murdered in PMs questions - not even his MPs support him. They are calling it Labours IDS moment. :LOL: :LOL:

who has said the MPs dont support him??
they where asked for there preference the fact he wasnt somes first preference dosnt equate to not giving him there backing ;)
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People talking crap again. Do the maths, it was neck an neck between the Millibands. There is less likely to be disunity than with the coalition government.

In all honesty PM questions is less of a problem these days.

Only William Hague could compete with Blair in public speaking. Cameron was weak against Blair, he was just lucky to have Brown. David Milliband is not going to do worse than Brown.

It is not really surprising that Torries are going to make something out of this.

Put it this way, those that voted Lid Dem for the first time aren't going to make the same mistake next time round.

The coalition is a one term government and they know it, and the Torries got a pretty slim majority. Which means that they really did a good job of turning off the public before 1997 and still today.

People didn't vote Labour back in protest, in a way this is exactly what they needed.
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I think that should be "Divot" Miliband. :LOL:
Anyway, back to the comedy. David, and his brother, union stooge, Red Ed, are both a total waste of space!!!!
Red Ed's even got two faced mouthpiece Harriet Harman lined up for a job in team Miliband,,, doh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
It's downhill all the way,, curtains!!

Oh No. If he gives Harriet Harman a job, he'll have to keep an eye on the amount of women she wants to be given high power positions to redress the male/female the HOP.
Left to her, every man would be out of a job and replaced with dykes. ;) ;) ;)
Poor old Ed Balls used to get bullied at school on account of his funny name.

Apparently his sister Ophelia got it even worse.
Yes it does.

Labour contest tend not to be as divisive. Torries went through four leadership contest in opposition, and the first one elected was the most politically skilled.

But even you would be saying after each that that doesn't mean that they didn't have the backing.

However in this case it was very down the middle. So those votes could have gone either way, and much less likely to rebel.

If you are talking about David Milliband toughening up. Remember that Cameron was quite wet, and still noticeably nervous even after leadership contest. His confidence has improved.
Whilst Diane is not a good candidate, balls was the least believable character. Snake oil salesman.
So, party preferences aside. Who do you all think should be the new lab leader?
Who is "DIVID", as posted in the thread title? You slag me off on every post I make, then make a schoolboy error? I can seriously not take anything you post as a joke. Due to your contempt, and arrogance. I will take it as a lack of intelligence and ignorance instead.
Isn`t Divid the Only Gay in the Village :?:
I think that should be "Divot" Miliband. :LOL:
Anyway, back to the comedy. David, and his brother, union stooge, Red Ed, are both a total waste of space!!!!
Red Ed's even got two faced mouthpiece Harriet Harman lined up for a job in team Miliband,,, doh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
It's downhill all the way,, curtains!!

yes... the suprising thing is that the populace will stilll vote for him....

never mind....
Let's face it brother Ed would never have got anywhere without tagging along behind his brother. He's only been in politics for 5 years. He wasn't voted in by Labour MPs. He wasn't voted in by Labour Members. He was voted in by the Brownites and the Unions. As everyone knows - he who pays the piper calls the tune. David must be pretty sick. He was the one groomed to take over the party - and little brother Ed came along and pinched his job. Does Ed care that he's sold his soul to the Devil? It seems not. I would never have stolen my brother's job - would you? (have stolen your brother's job?)

well as a union man... did you not vote for him... or are we now going to get your vitriol over someone else..

I'm self employed and not a Labour voter.

did not ask you about your work...... but suprised that you are not a socialist.... your comments point that way..
I've never voted Labour - not even once. Gordon Brown did more damage to this country than Hitler ever did.
I've never voted Labour - not even once. Gordon Brown did more damage to this country than Hitler ever did.

You must be joking right? There has been a new word invented, and I've tested the concept, that any thread would eventually descend, once defeated, to compare someone to Hitler. But that comment should be lauded, as it's so daft.

So GB destroyed our heritage, and killed thousands of civilians? Why even bother to respond? Joe-90, you are a rare one.
Blair/Brown have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands - and wrecked the UK economy. Go to bed you sad man.
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