So Divid Miliband bows out.

When they are worked out on the same graph in the same way - they can say what they like.
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So it seems that David Milliband isn't on the deeds of his house. Will he claim expenses for it? His name isn't on the birth certificate of his child - so it must say "Father unknown" (What a caring Dad.)

He juggles his million plus pound property portfolio to avoid paying tax. (Typical socialist).

What did he say last week about the gap between the rich and the poor damaging us all? What a complete shyster. How two-faced can a person be? He should be called Red faced Ed. He won't last.
David you mean Ed.

Watch you fling **** on the barest of facts, two can play that game.

My birth wasn't even registered for several month, my dad was able to sign birth certificates of British Subjects as an official, but could register his own son. There was turmoil with South Africa and UK at the time.

Ed explained his reasons it isn't that big a deal really. It is not like he is trying to politicise marriage like Cameron. People like Ed and my cousins prove that a loving family doesn't have to mean stupid conventions.

I mean a cash break to get married, and this is supposed to encourage stable relationships? married couples are already at a financial advantage anyway. How a about stop moralising and tarring unwed with he same brush.
If you run for top office then you have to be cleaner than clean. You don't want the general public seeing you as a bad parent do you? Did he intend to do a runner then changed his mind but by then it was too late as the certificate had been issued with 'Father unknown' on it? What a poor start for a child. He'll grow up and live on a Council Estate with all the other 'Father unknown' children.

I hope they look into his expense claims being as he doesn't own a house. That Tory guy had to resign for claiming second home allowance when he didn't own a first home.

Is there anything more repugnant than a rich socialist?
Compare our deficit today to when Ken Clarke left the treasury. G'won 000 I dare you to.
First of all that doesn't counter that Thatcher was behind the major financial deregulation.

Ken Clarke is better than most, unfortunately the torries are too stupid to listen to use him, as he is not euro sceptic enough. So they have George Osborne as chancellor.

It is all to easy to blame it all on a single man, but in really even the accusers know they are talking out of their arse. History will tell.
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If you run for top office then you have to be cleaner than clean. You don't want the general public seeing you as a bad parent do you? Did he intend to do a runner then changed his mind but by then it was too late as the certificate had been issued with 'Father unknown' on it? What a poor start for a child. He'll grow up and live on a Council Estate with all the other 'Father unknown' children.

I hope they look into his expense claims being as he doesn't own a house. That Tory guy had to resign for claiming second home allowance when he didn't own a first home.

Is there anything more repugnant than a rich socialist?
You are blowing hot air.

He is absolutely right not to be pressured into making personal decisions for political reasons, if he doesn't agree with them. There is absolutely no evidence he intends to do a runner.

If his expenses haven't already been checked over that would be a surprise.

Is is more repugnant than a party funded by tax evaders?
No but it's no better either is it? At least we know they are crooks - but old Red Ed makes out he's different. A rich socialist? Did you hear what he said in his speech about the gap between the rich and the poor? Which camp does he see himself in? Rich or poor?
No but it's no better either is it? At least we know they are crooks - but old Red Ed makes out he's different. A rich socialist? Did you hear what he said in his speech about the gap between the rich and the poor? Which camp does he see himself in? Rich or poor?
According to you. Listen to your own logic. It is not they admit they are exploiting.

You can call Ed a crook nothing will happen to you. Call Ashcroft, Murdoch Goldsmith, etc a crook an expect a letter from their lawyers. Ashcroft threatened to take the foreign office to court, and in the end they settled. This was all because somebody who retired, acting off his own back dared to tell the truth about Ashcroft dealing in Belize.

There is a big difference between thousands and millions/billions anyway.

Politicians should be able to do their work. You make out that if you want to close the gap between rich and poor, you should not have the shirt on you back and everyone should be poor. That is not what he is saying.
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