So Divid Miliband bows out.

Blair/Brown wrecked the UK economy.
The tory headliners tell us this Joe,but in your own experience have you evidence if this.The proposed and feared cuts are going to have a far greater impact so the Labour headliners say.Labour ideology versus tory ideology.
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no matter what government was in power, there would have been recession, and when a new govt. came to power they would have blamed the predecessors!!! just like lib con are blaming labour!

lib con want to sort the debt out ASAP by cutting money to everything and making people suffer, as a blanket for going back to the old tory ways of maximum tax and better deals for the rich.

if the tories had of been in power at the time of recession, what would we be saying then?

all parties are bad as each other, some just are bad in different areas than the next
Blair/Brown wrecked the UK economy.
The tory headliners tell us this Joe,but in your own experience have you evidence if this.The proposed and feared cuts are going to have a far greater impact so the Labour headliners say.Labour ideology versus tory ideology.

Lack of regulation. Brown told the regulator to regulate with a 'light touch' which means do as you like. How many Aussie banks needed bailing out? None. How many Canadian? None. How many NZ banks? None. The blame lies with that Scottish twit.
Well the Irish seem to be in far bigger trouble,Brown wasn't in charge there.I'll ask again have you experiened any problems with the supposed wrecked economy or are you responding to the headlines.The proposed cuts will have a far bigger impact especially if 25% cuts in all departments are true, acording to Labour headlines.
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Ireland followed the UK's lead. Britain doesn't have a monopoly on idiots you know. :rolleyes:

Gordon Brown borrowed big money and blew it on the NHS and schools and welfare and... The trouble is - he put it on the National Credit Card - now the bill has dropped on the doormat we're in the poo. Thanks Gordie Boy.
We're digressing here,how long will D milliband sit on the back bench's before departing for good and how long will Ed stick around to get a chance of becoming prime minister.
Mickymoody";p="1754018 said:
So GB destroyed our heritage, and killed thousands of civilians? Why even bother to respond? Joe-90, you are a rare one.

He carried out ethnic cleansing of the British people. 3000000 new citizens in 10 years go figure. No other country in Europe has experiences this and before you call me a racist tell me how it can work importing 10000000 new citizens in a country over such a short space of time.

But you won't asnwer me because you are probably a new liebour voter...says it all really.
Lack of regulation. Brown told the regulator to regulate with a 'light touch' which means do as you like. How many Aussie banks needed bailing out? None. How many Canadian? None. How many NZ banks? None. The blame lies with that Scottish twit.

Actually if you know anything about the history of deregulation you would know that that Thatcher paved the way for the major deregulation, anything after that is merely an exercise covering ones arse. In fact the Americans deregulated after the British, and the yanks were over here in their doves in the 80s because it was carte Blanche. Reagan liked what he saw and followed suit.

The fact of the matter is all political parties have been complicit in deregulation for years, so it is pretty rich to make out like their weren't. Don't make out like this wouldn't have happened on tory watch. You obviously don't remember the last ressesion. Oh that is right we are actually out of resection but never mind that.

Actually countries like Canada, Oz, even Lebanon are the exception. Most countries that could go for gold did. Just look at what has happened to Ireland, Iceland, Greece, etc.

wiki said:
Given the frequent security turmoil it has faced, the Lebanese banking system has adopted a conservative approach, with strict regulations imposed by the central bank to protect the economy from political instability. These regulations have generally left Lebanese banks unscathed by the Financial crisis of 2007–2010. Lebanese banks remain, under the current circumstances, high on liquidity and reputed for their security.[11] In late 2008, Moody's shifted Lebanon's sovereign rankings from stable to positive, acknowledging its financial security.[12] Moreover, with an increase of 51% in the Beirut stock market, the index provider MSCI ranked Lebanon the world's best performer in 2008.[13] Lebanon is one of the only seven countries in the world in which the value of the stock market increased in 2008.[13] The Lebanese economy experienced continued resilience, growing 8.5 percent in 2008 and seven percent in 2009. According to a report by the World Bank, GDP growth in 2010 should remain steady at seven percent.[14] The report cited multiple factors for Lebanon's recent and predicted growth: less-than-expected declines in exports, steady remittances, increased foreign investment, strong domestic demand, booming tourism, and a thriving financial sector. Since Lebanon enjoyed solid economic performance despite a global recession, The World Bank expects continued growth as the global economy improves in 2010.[15]

it is an insult to the war generation to compare any "hardship" we have now to then. We are really suffering aren't we. Stopped On Major

Frankly you don't know what you are talking about. You wouldn't do bette., did you complain during the boom?

Blame away, but that fact is just because you can be irresponsible doesn't mean you should.
Well the Irish seem to be in far bigger trouble,Brown wasn't in charge there.

Brian Cowen was in charge and was totally responsible just like Brown.
They both poured petrol on the flames of indiscriminate spending.
There deficit is running at 30% of GDP whilst here in the UK its 10%.
Seems mild compared to paddies problems.
Of course the now Irish premier Cowen is none to worried partying the piece out in true Irish tradition in a Galway bar to 3.00am just the other week and like Brown accepts no responsibility. Surprise surprise....

The Eu masters are lapping it up. Soon Ireland will go cap in hand just like the greeks for a massive bail out and more powers surrendered.

The Eu masters are lapping it up. Soon Ireland will go cap in hand just like the greeks for a massive bail out and more powers surrendered.
Once your in the Euro what more can be surrendered?
The current economic crisis is based on years of complacency all over the world.
Brown was at the helm from 97 onwards - who else is to blame if not that fool? London was the Wild West of finance, a complete free for all - s*d tomorrow as long as we are making it today. House prices doubling, borrow against your equity and buy a new car, go to Florida for a month. It was just some pyramid scheme where those last in get caught out. Now we are heading for millions of house buyers in negative equity because the bubble has burst. Brown will go down in history as the guy that bankrupted Britain.
Compare our deficit today to when Ken Clarke left the treasury. G'won 000 I dare you to.
So it seems that David Milliband isn't on the deeds of his house. Will he claim expenses for it? His name isn't on the birth certificate of his child - so it must say "Father unknown" (What a caring Dad.)

He juggles his million plus pound property portfolio to avoid paying tax. (Typical socialist).

What did he say last week about the gap between the rich and the poor damaging us all? What a complete shyster. How two-faced can a person be? He should be called Red faced Ed. He won't last.
Compare our deficit today to when Ken Clarke left the treasury. G'won 000 I dare you to.
Whats the saying,lies damned lies and statistics.
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