Loss of rotating mass has been a problem for some time now, with a steam turbine if there is a sudden load it takes time to slow down and so it is absorbed, but with inverter supplies they can't cope in the same way to a sudden load, I remember on the Falklands on a farm we would run the shears sharping disc all the time as the rotating mass stopped the generator loosing the field excitation when the shears were used, so could use a 3.5 kVA generator instead of the 12 kVA.
Electric mountain does have an impressive low start up time, but we are using less and less direct rotating generation, the micro generation is not required to adjust to the national demand, which means the larger generators have to adjust far more.
The paying for power based on peak power used has been in for a long time, my father was in charge of the steel works power station and I know they would delay some processes to keep the demand down at peak times and actually export to the national grid back in the 50's, so this is nothing new, what is new is for smaller uses to also have a variable charge due to demand at that time of day.
But smaller users don't have a guy watching the demand and adjusting when processes start to match the demand. We do to a small extent now with solar panels adjust our use, where I would set off dish washer off before going to bed, now I will set it off around mid day when there is enough power in the battery to supply that load, and I will also load the washing machine and tumble dryer ready, and again set them off when we have some charge in the batteries.
However we rely on some automation of the system, I don't want to have to also select when to turn on the immersion heater, or watch the power usage all day, I have noted the high base load, 57 watt on one freezer, 65 watt on another not yet measured the third one, but that does not explain why I never see the load under 250 watt.
An average of 90 watt maybe 100 watt on freezers, there is a delay with the solar software it is showing 3548 watt at the moment which is due to my making of 2 cups and a flask of coffee, this has now dropped to 491 watt, I will guess some down to this lap top, and some down to wife's TV running, but I do not intend to stop watching evening TV and only watch day time TV to save money.
5% of 3.5 kWh will run freezers for 2 hours, but that means the central heating will also stop, so not sure if good to use it. OK if sun is out, then the sun will charge the batteries up so then we can over night with the battery, all other loads will stop with a power cut, so as long as we have sun, we should be OK. But yesterday we would not have recharged the battery even with no load, we would have needed to turn off freezers to keep house warm.
Not a clue what the system does once battery is empty.
But some where it seems I have some thing using well over the 1 watt permitted for standby.