solar question

42% of all heat loss in UK homes is via air losses. UK homes are the most air-leaky in the western work as the building regs are not enforced. An air door test should be mandatory on all new and renovated homes.

Leaks are otherwise known as ventilation. You either need a heat exchange unit with blown air, eg fan, or you have leaks. There is the moisture generated by people to deal with. Keep it inside and you will have other problems.

Homes lose 100% of the heat input. Fact.

Zero Heat homes are real and cost nothing more to build than any other house.

This is possible, but not with the required housing density in the uk. The walls would be too thick, and there is still difficulty even if you WERE to use straw bales.

Most of the rest of your post has some merit, but even if we were to "save the planet", what happens to the money people have saved?
42% of all heat loss in UK homes is via air losses. UK homes are the most air-leaky in the western work as the building regs are not enforced. An air door test should be mandatory on all new and renovated homes.

Leaks are otherwise known as ventilation.

No it is not!! Air leaks are air leaks. Draughts are draughts. The Canadians say Build Tight, Ventilate Right. Controlled ventilation what is needed in homes.

You either need a heat exchange unit with blown air, eg fan, or you have leaks. There is the moisture generated by people to deal with. Keep it inside and you will have other problems.

You ventilate the moist air a source: kitchen extractor over hob, general extractor in the kitchen, extractors in all wet rooms. ...and direct the air through a heat recovery unit.

Homes lose 100% of the heat input. Fact.


Zero Heat homes are real and cost nothing more to build than any other house.

This is possible, but not with the required housing density in the uk. The walls would be too thick, and there is still difficulty even if you WERE to use straw bales.

Look at the link I gave to the Zero Heat house. The average wall in British homes is 4" brick, 2" air gap, 4" block and over 1 " plaster, that makes the average wall 11 to 12". The cavity acts like a chimney drawing air (heat) out of the house to amek matters worse. A timber framed house with a 12" void and Warmcell sprayed in, is to superinsulation levels.

Most of the rest of your post has some merit,

All of it has merit as I know "exactly" what I am on about. Take note. If you are not clear "ask" me.

but even if we were to "save the planet", what happens to the money people have saved?

They spend it on booze.
The issue is to reduce our impact as a race, saving money is a secondary issue.
Oilman wrote

My house has been using one for years

I know exactly what it is . ;)

Bambergaspipe wrote

Really, then explain your heating system & how it is fed/maintained

Hey Bamber if you weren't shouting your big mouth off so often on this forum you might know . :rolleyes:
One of the the government's definitions of a zero carbon home is one that is not connected to the national grid (source: Radio 4 debate this week).

That is what they think...and that is "zero carbon".

Consequently, there are only 60 known zero carbon houses in the UK. The government rules were changed to make it almost impossible for housebuilders to achieve the zero carbon rating, especially in social housing.

The zero heat homes are a misnomer as they do need heat. That can be gained via passive solar or a small electric fan heater. The heating bills for a largish 4 bed house is around £30 per ann.

The Doctor's rantings

Rant? I am as cool as cucumber. People like me usually are.

seem to ignore that our government have no interest in zero carbon homes. They want solar panels and wind generators.

I am not getting into politics (which is only your view) just the technical aspects.

Everyone thinks they know what a solar panel or a wiind turbine is, if you were to ask the man in the street for a definition of a zero carbon home he would struggle. And you couldn't tell one from another in a row of houses, unless the government were to force them to be painted green :rolleyes:

I didn't see the point of that little rant

This debate was about the merits of fitting solar inside what we have to assume not be one of the 60 homes Doctor D is ranting about. Therefore it is off topic.

You are on about 60 off-the-grid homes. It is clear you didn't read the link to the Deveci Zero Heat house, and just babbled away.

With his half researched

Fully researched with practical backup. :)

but strong views

Views based on fact and figures. Read again 6 times what I wrote and the links too.

The Doctor has identified clear drivel and it is now snipped.

<snip drivel>
Oil Man - Solar Heating/Power is the future be it thermal, heat pumps, biomass or what ever form it may come in.

Please don't tell me that your secret form of electric "solar" heating is a heat pump.
Hello Balenza ;)

Sorry to say Drivel has gone into rant mode again. You can tell by his difficulty in a) spelling b) grammar. Indeed when he's letting off steam some sentences make no sense at all. DD, have you tried reading what you wrote before pressing the "Submit" button?

Elliot, you have difficulty too I see. With your reading. Where have I mentioned "electric"?
You haven't mentioned electric, I was taking a stab in the dark. With the amount of mis-information you've written so far I would of thought an electric powered heat pump with a cop of 1/3 would be your answer to the looming energy shortages.

Thanks for all your comments OilMan it's been, well, it's made me laugh.
We've had a laugh at you too, Elliottt. :evil:

If you had been around on this forum a bit longer you would realise that you have been bigging up a geriatric lunatic.
Heat pumps have no advantage at all if the power they use comes from fossil fuel.

Dr Drivel seems to think the cure to heat loss is an air tight house! That would cause CO2 poisoning!

Does anyone know what building regulations stipulate as the design air change rate.

I seem to remember for industrial its about 3-4 changes per hour?

elliot wrote

You haven't mentioned electric, I was taking a stab in the dark

seems you do that a lot.

you seek confrontation. you deviate from the op question. your a time waster. get a life.
DD, have you tried reading what you wrote before pressing the "Submit" button?

Elliot, you have difficulty too I see.

It seems everyone has difficulty except you.

You and elliot do not comprise "everyone".

Simond has no problem, Balenza has no problem, there are many others who have no problem. I may not agree with what they say, but they do write intelligible sentences without continual mistakes, or in elliot's case having to resort to a stab in the dark.

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