Some people are just horrible

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It's like drivers..... most are decent but a few are morons
Interesting you should say that - saw an item on BBCNews talking about drivers regard towards cyclists and in a questionnaire 1 in 4 drivers admit driving too close to bike riders on purpose. Makes me think of Just'Passing's recent comments about the cyclist who annoyed him and i wonder how many cyclists are deliberately killed on British roads each year. Two cyclists, on average, are killed every week in this country.
The camera footage is bloody frightening.
As you say, some people are just...:censored:
It underlines the bit where I was saying that there is a problem here, and cyclists need to recognise it.
One in 4, huh?. I wonder what the proportion would be if the sample drivers were asked, " this cyclist has been riding like a total idiot, treating the road and pavements like his personal dodgem track, weaponising his vulnerability and making people brake hard just because he can". It might be more than 1 in 4?
Hi vis jackets should be mandatory too. Black lycra is dumb. How about the cyclist shows some responsibility? I'd respect him more when driving - I'm more inclined to look after him if he's helping me do that.

I don't drive too close routinely, though wouldn't stick to a 5ft gap sometimes - , just go careful. If the cyclist is being sensible and happens to be slowing me down, the delay isn't likely to be more than 20 secs so get on with it. Usually the cyclist is perfectly aware and shifts over a bit when they can, and you give them plenty of room, no issue.
Interesting you should say that - saw an item on BBCNews talking about drivers regard towards cyclists and in a questionnaire 1 in 4 drivers admit driving too close to bike riders on purpose. Makes me think of Just'Passing's recent comments about the cyclist who annoyed him and i wonder how many cyclists are deliberately killed on British roads each year. Two cyclists, on average, are killed every week in this country.
The camera footage is bloody frightening.
As you say, some people are just...:censored:

Going through the country thus summer I passed a cyclist ‍♂️. A van was coming the other way.

I misjudged the situation slightly. A bit up the road I stopped and waited for the cyclist. I apologised for my bad driving. He was more than happy to forgive me and appreciated that I stopped.

I'm normally pretty good but even I have my moments

I do make the effort to be a decent human
There's a clip here@BBCNews regarding the Panorama programme and it's clear more drivers need to learn the new rules regarding cyclists on the road - 1 in 3 drivers believe they shouldn't even be there in the first place. There's no cure for being a ****. The next time you see a line of half a dozen or more drivers at a red light, chances are the third person in line will try to hit a cyclist and the person behind them will not stop when they do. The programme does highlight cyclists who take stupid risks and cause accidents for themselves but the congestion has led to the point where greater awareness needs to be used by road users regardless of their vehicle - and, to be fair, we're nowhere near the levels of insanity exhibited on the roads of India or Vietnam.

Having said that, in a crowd of 30,000 football fans; if a group of, say, 300 starts a chant to wind up the opposing supporters and gets the headlines then it misses the point that 29,700 people went to a game and had a good day out (if you won, that is).
Adrian Chiles wrote a timely piece in the Graun' saying: 'I'd almost given up caring about West Brom (nobodies perfect) but then i saw a 70 year old photo and it all came flooding back'. He talks about fans travelling from the West Midlands to Gateshead in Feb' 1952...and anyone who's ever travelled to a game will have some memory of the journey: my first trip to Wembley in '72 to see Stoke win the League Cup (can't recall who they beat;)) and the picture taken outside a pub is an unforgettable moment and when you meet football fans from around the country, or around the world, you can always find common ground in a love of The Game. In any large crowd there's always people who go too far but they're still a minority compared to those of us who go to watch our team: win or lose;, rain or shine.
is this a Boris Johnson thread....just guessing from the title
The FA, possibly with financial contribution from larger clubs, needs to invest in more camera and mic tech across all clubs down to maybe league two in England and Scotland. For a number of reasons, clubs should be able to zoom in to any section of the crowd to identify people.

This seems to be yet another area where things are talked about and yes, are getting gradually better, however things don't improve quickly enough.
The camera footage is bloody frightening.
As you say, some people are just...:censored:

Part of the TV footage, included a cyclist progressing in the middle of a lane and being overtaken by a car on double white lines, the cyclist complaining about the driver overtaking on double lines. In fact you are allowed to overtake on double white lines, if the vehicle you are overtaking is a slow one, less than 15mph I think. It doesn't excuse the speed the car was being driven at.
We are SOooo full of double standards. You'll get folk that (intentionally) drive too close to cyclists because they don't think they should be on the road. Maybe they pass them with only a foot or so gap or drive close behind them etc.

How would these idiots feel if one of their nearest and dearest was cycling and killed by a driver who intentionally didn't give them enough space? Would they just say 'ah well I've lost my wife, but hey ho she shouldn't have been out on that stupid bike. Right, who's round is it?'

Me thinks not.

Do I sometimes find it frustrating when there's a cyclist causing a tailback or causing me to have to slow right down until safe to pass? Yes. However, when I get the chance to pass, I don't then act like a t w a t and try to intimidate the cyclist.
I saw one clip of an entitleist riding down the centre of the road and he went ballistic when a car crossed the double white lines to get past him and give him plenty of room. If I remember correctly, you can cross double white lines to get past an obstruction or a slow-moving vehicle (bike in this case).
Part of the TV footage, included a cyclist progressing in the middle of a lane and being overtaken by a car on double white lines, the cyclist complaining about the driver overtaking on double lines. In fact you are allowed to overtake on double white lines, if the vehicle you are overtaking is a slow one, less than 15mph I think. It doesn't excuse the speed the car was being driven at.
Doh!, didn't read your post. I posted exactly the same.
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