Spain - worse than UK?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Before my training business went into hibernation at the beginning of the pandemic, one of the tutors, Jose, a Spaniard with a wife and two kids who was living and working over here, moved back to Spain. He accompanied a one-to-one Spanish speaking Indian (?) student that attended my place. His wife is a teacher too. He still owns a flat over here that he was going to rent out.

Today while I was working, he popped into the workshop quickly on his way to a school near here where he has taken a job. I asked him what he was doing back here and all he had time to tell me was that it was s hit out there so he's come back and is going to sell his house over in Spain and permanently reside in the UK.

I'll get more details when he calls in next but it seems that all in Euroland is not that good even for the Europeans. No wonder Lally & partner are still here - assuming they would have been accepted in the first place!
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Before my training business went into hibernation at the beginning of the pandemic, one of the tutors, Jose, a Spaniard with a wife and two kids who was living and working over here, moved back to Spain. He accompanied a one-to-one Spanish speaking Indian (?) student that attended my place. His wife is a teacher too. He still owns a flat over here that he was going to rent out.

Today while I was working, he popped into the workshop quickly on his way to a school near here where he has taken a job. I asked him what he was doing back here and all he had time to tell me was that it was s hit out there so he's come back and is going to sell his house over in Spain and permanently reside in the UK.

I'll get more details when he calls in next but it seems that all in Euroland is not that good even for the Europeans. No wonder Lally & partner are still here - assuming they would have been accepted in the first place!

It depends on which region, Cadiz area is pretty poor with high unemployment

UK has amongst the poorest parts of Europe, combined with Shiite weather, it’s not the greatest…..

The UK has 9 out of the 10 poorest regions in northern Europe
The UK has nine out of the ten poorest regions in northern Europe, with suggestions that the rapid industrial decline brought about under Margaret Thatcher is chiefly responsible for creating pockets of poverty in one of the World’s richest economies. West Wales, Durham and Tees Valley, South Yorkshire and Northern Ireland all rank highly
It depends on which region,
His place was just outside Benidorm, so Valencia region. In any case, he thinks Newham is much better. I won't say what I think about Newham (where I lived until 1990 but still work in) because all those on here who don't know the place will insist that I'm wrong!
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His place was just outside Benidorm, so Valencia region. In any case, he thinks Newham is much better. I won't say what I think about Newham (where I lived until 1990 but still work in) because all those on here who don't know the place will insist that I'm wrong!
I used to go to Upton Park. Believe me, I KNOW what it is like (can only be worse in the last few years).
The country is absolutely struggling. Most of the modern money is in Catalonia. Plus there is a lot of debt and black market working. Don't believe the 16% unemployment, they have a funny way of counting it. But -44% tourism is a big impact. Post Brexit the demand from the UK for holiday villas has also plummeted. Its not just Schengen issues... Other countries (Greece for example) are making residency applications much easier.
Recovery might be just round the corner for Spain's tourism industry:
Spain’s tourism industry saw strong recovery before omicron hit
Arrival figures reached 72% of pre-pandemic levels in November, but current wave could dampen continued growth

Holiday bookings jump as UK Covid travel tests axed

The company said the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, mainland Spain, Italy and Portugal were "selling strongly". It added there was "enormous growth" for bookings for Greece, Turkey and Cyprus.

Before my training business went into hibernation at the beginning of the pandemic, one of the tutors, Jose, a Spaniard with a wife and two kids who was living and working over here, moved back to Spain. He accompanied a one-to-one Spanish speaking Indian (?) student that attended my place. His wife is a teacher too. He still owns a flat over here that he was going to rent out.

Today while I was working, he popped into the workshop quickly on his way to a school near here where he has taken a job. I asked him what he was doing back here and all he had time to tell me was that it was s hit out there so he's come back and is going to sell his house over in Spain and permanently reside in the UK.

I'll get more details when he calls in next but it seems that all in Euroland is not that good even for the Europeans. No wonder Lally & partner are still here - assuming they would have been accepted in the first place!
There's nothing like an objective comparison.......
And that was nothing like an objective comparison. :whistle:
Before my training business went into hibernation at the beginning of the pandemic
Corrected for you...

"Before my so called business decided to rip off the taxpayer for work I have admitted I wouldn't have done"

How is back to work (lol) going for you?

Must be so hard after a couple of years on the gravy train! :rolleyes:
he thinks Newham is much better

I have know people that won't leave London for possibly the same reason. London is very multicultural and you can almost always find shops selling food you like, and people similar to yourself. Many people find solace in this and it helps overcoming the feeling on homesickness. I lived for a year in Turnpike Lane, and at the time didn't understand why so many Turkish lived in the area in half million pound terraced houses (now a million!) when they could get a big house in the country. But then I became friends with a Turkish woman, and as much as she enjoys visiting the UK countryside, her home will always be London - friends, family, cafes, bars, shops etc. all make her feel at home.

It's probably similar for an Indian, or any other non-Western European white, moving to parts of Spain, France, Italy, Germany etc.

It's like Brits living overseas - they tend to gravitate towards the expat communities. A friend living in the middle east for a while, teaching English while his wife did government work, and he had a love-hate relationship with the expat communities. He needed them, but didn't really like them.
I have know people that won't leave London for possibly the same reason. London is very multicultural and you can almost always find shops selling food you like, and people similar to yourself. Many people find solace in this and it helps overcoming the feeling on homesickness. I lived for a year in Turnpike Lane, and at the time didn't understand why so many Turkish lived in the area in half million pound terraced houses (now a million!) when they could get a big house in the country. But then I became friends with a Turkish woman, and as much as she enjoys visiting the UK countryside, her home will always be London - friends, family, cafes, bars, shops etc. all make her feel at home.

It's probably similar for an Indian, or any other non-Western European white, moving to parts of Spain, France, Italy, Germany etc.

It's like Brits living overseas - they tend to gravitate towards the expat communities. A friend living in the middle east for a while, teaching English while his wife did government work, and he had a love-hate relationship with the expat communities. He needed them, but didn't really like them.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Corrected for you...

"Before my so called business decided to rip off the taxpayer for work I have admitted I wouldn't have done"

How is back to work (lol) going for you?

Must be so hard after a couple of years on the gravy train! :rolleyes:

How is back to work (lol) going for you?
Going fine thanks. Say, how's living in the country amongst people you hate (lol) when you'd told everyone on here that you were leaving? Of course, that was before you found out that you weren't wanted in your country of choice, wasn't it. :LOL:

blimey the country that had an arrest warrant out for Pinochet ( fair enough)

Exactly how many spanish were arrested and prosecuted from the Franco era

Hmmmm Er none:idea: :ROFLMAO:

Say no more ;)
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