Speed limit

I pulled out of my drive, yesterday, turned to my left, then stopped and waited there whilst Avril closed the gates behind me. As I'd pulled out, a car had appeared coming round the next bend, 100 yards away. Obviously, he had seen me pull out, and made an assumption I would be immediately be driving off, despite my left indicator being on, because he drove right up behind me and stopped there. I had to gesticulate with my arm, to get him to go past. He had pulled up so close behind, that he had to reverse, to get around me.

The same happens, them assuming, despite indicator on, and them having to reverse, muttering.
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Sorry Roy, I don't have the time or inclination to spend all day, every day educating you.

Perhaps you might like to explore the process of importing a used left hand drive HGV, taking account of the IVA and DVS requirements and effort needed to convert it. Not to mention the export and import tax scenario and then ask yourself if XPO logistics who run a fleet of UK registered right hand drive HGVs would go to the bother of importing them, securing IVA & DVS approval, then run them on the road without the required features needed. Or is it more likely that given the set-up of this vehicle, it is an EU registered vehicle, which has the right to drive on UK roads without any of the above.
Sorry Roy, I don't have the time or inclination to spend all day, every day educating you.

Perhaps you might like to explore the process of importing a used left hand drive HGV, taking account of the IVA and DVS requirements and effort needed to convert it. Not to mention the export and import tax scenario and then ask yourself if XPO logistics who run a fleet of UK registered right hand drive HGVs would go to the bother of importing them, securing IVA & DVS approval, then run them on the road without the required features needed. Or is it more likely that given the set-up of this vehicle, it is an EU registered vehicle, which has the right to drive on UK roads without any of the above.
Himmy has been shot from a cannon past the moon :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Sorry Roy, I don't have the time or inclination to spend all day, every day educating you.

Perhaps you might like to explore the process of importing a used left hand drive HGV, taking account of the IVA and DVS requirements and effort needed to convert it. Not to mention the export and import tax scenario and then ask yourself if XPO logistics who run a fleet of UK registered right hand drive HGVs would go to the bother of importing them, securing IVA & DVS approval, then run them on the road without the required features needed. Or is it more likely that given the set-up of this vehicle, it is an EU registered vehicle, which has the right to drive on UK roads without any of the above.
Oh dear! That sounds very much like a shouty rant to me. A rant to try to divert from your obvious bigotted nonsense,... again!

First of all I have imported and exported left and right hand drive vehicles into and out of UK (and trailers and caravans)
I have also imported and exported vehicles into and out of other countries.
I'm fully up to speed on what 'conversions' are required. None of the 'tax, IVA or DVA' details would be visible from the front of a grainy 30 second video of a HGV travelling at about 50mph.

Secondly, a lot of modern vehicles have the functionality to 'switch' such conversions as left or right dipping headlights, and miles/kilometer readings. Any operator, intending to operate in UK and abroad, worth their salt would look for such functionality on their new vehicles.

Now about the foreign registration plate (which you claim to have detected) and these conversions which you cliam to have detected from the 30 second video,of a HGV with pixelated-out reg plate.
Perhaps you could 'educate" us as to which country you think the HGV was registered in, and which conversions you have been able to detect?

The video in their example is a left hand drive lorry, with foreign plates. Given the widespread insurance scam with foreign freight vehicles you've not got much chance of winning the claim if he rear ends you.
You can see from the video that it is left hand drive and you can also tell that it hasn't been converted, which would be required if it was to be registered as an import.

Or you could just admit your comment was a load of bigotted nonsense, designed solely for you to impart your 'bigotted wisdom' about unregistered foreign vehicles or drivers, while implying that there wouldn't be any British unlicensed vehicles or drivers.
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Cars, trailers, caravans etc - hilarious. Did it occur to you that the rules might be different for HGVs? Well if you were an expert, you'd know and given you don't appear to understand some of what I posted you clearly haven't imported an HGV recently. Plus you ignore the obvious challenge and pointlessness for the company involved. You are aware that the UK is no longer part of the EU?

Are you suggesting the left hand drive vehicle in the video, has been imported to the UK and is running UK plates, what evidence do you have? If you have any experience of the above, you'd know this is more boll@x from you.

You assume my statement about uninsured foreign trucks is bigoted, prejudice. It's based on experience, I've been stung twice and it's only through my knowledge and connections that I was able to win. Unfortunately, the typical unwitting driver, goes back and forth between handling agent, broker and MIB until his claim times out.
Cars, trailers, caravans etc - hilarious. Did it occur to you that the rules might be different for HGVs? Well if you were an expert, you'd know and given you don't appear to understand some of what I posted you clearly haven't imported an HGV recently. Plus you ignore the obvious challenge and pointlessness for the company involved. You are aware that the UK is no longer part of the EU?

Are you suggesting the left hand drive vehicle in the video, has been imported to the UK and is running UK plates, what evidence do you have? If you have any experience of the above, you'd know this is more boll@x from you.

You assume my statement about uninsured foreign trucks is bigoted, prejudice. It's based on experience, I've been stung twice and it's only through my knowledge and connections that I was able to win. Unfortunately, the typical unwitting driver, goes back and forth between handling agent, broker and MIB until his claim times out.
Just more of a shouty rant. :rolleyes:
I asked:
Now about the foreign registration plate (which you claim to have detected) and these conversions which you cliam to have detected from the 30 second video,of a HGV with pixelated-out reg plate.
Perhaps you could 'educate" us as to which country you think the HGV was registered in, and which conversions you have been able to detect?

The video in their example is a left hand drive lorry, with foreign plates. Given the widespread insurance scam with foreign freight vehicles you've not got much chance of winning the claim if he rear ends you.
You can see from the video that it is left hand drive and you can also tell that it hasn't been converted, which would be required if it was to be registered as an import.
Evidently your comment was based solely on your bigoted nonsense, like a lot of your comments.
British vehicles and drivers are just as likely to be illegal as any foreign vehicle or driver. You cllearly exploited the opportunity to voice your bigotry.
A steering wheel?
And pedals?
When a LHD vehicle is re-registered in UK, there's no requirement to swap the driving position.
The same applies for RHD vehicles in other countries.
If there was, it would no longer be visible, from a grainy dashcam 30 second video, as a pre-LHD or a pre-RHD.
When a LHD vehicle is re-registered in UK, there's no requirement to swap the driving position.
The same applies for RHD vehicles in other countries.
If there was, it would no longer be visible, from a grainy dashcam 30 second video, as a pre-LHD or a pre-RHD.

That was not the point.

Your point was that
a lot of modern vehicles have the functionality to 'switch' such conversions as left or right dipping headlights, and miles/kilometer readings.

which is easy - it's just switches and motors.

Pedals and steering wheels though; not so.
(The HGV in the video certainly looks LHD, to me anyway).
That was not the point.
Your point was that

which is easy - it's just switches and motors.
Pedals and steering wheels though; not so.
(The HGV in the video certainly looks LHD, to me anyway).
I thought it would be pretty obvious that my 'switching' conversons would not cover driving position and pedals.
Obviously I was wrong. It wasn't obvious that my reference to 'switching' conversions did not cover seat position and pedals. :rolleyes:

And there is still no requirement to 'convert' the driving position. So there would be no need to provide any 'conversion' mechanism for it.

If the vehicle was LGV, rather than HGV, any 'conversion' requirments may be less, rather than more.
The HGV is left hand drive, its also been identified as belonging to XPO Logistics, the blurred logo is still identifiable. Roy is trying to argue that it could have been purchased in the EU, imported to the UK and re-registered on UK plates and owned by a UK driver. That wouldn't make much business sense given the requirements I have already posted. Roy is trying to make out I am some sort of Xenophobe.

What Roy seems unaware of is the specific rules for importing and operating imported HGVs in the UK. There is no ability to flick a switch and make the vehicle comply. There is actually a fair bit of work to do, the headlight conversion is only one part.

Anyway, the reason I was ignoring Roy's demand for attention was to avoid 5 pages of arguing about HGVs. it is not Xenophobic to have experience of a widespread insurance scam operating mostly in Poland involving commercial HGV, their handling agents and brokers.
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