Where road space is not infinite, we all have to accommodate other road users.
Some accommodations are assertive / submissive, others are not.
But, always with the mindset of adapting to the situation as it plays out.
Being assertive - not being an rsehole though - is good, because the OP knows what's likely to happen.
Both the assertive and the submissive are ok then.
Less optimal scenario is two submissives - both dither and faff around, not knowing what the other is doing or is going to do.
Harmless, but causes a lot of unnecessary stress and delay.
Worst is two dominants, who plough on in the mistaken belief that the other is actually (relative to them) a sub.
Typically though, both are in control of the metal (so they only collide if they are making a point), less so of their tempers and egos.
Hand gestures and bulging neck veins, through to punch-ups, are the outcomes in most occasions.