Speed limit

It would cause accidents.
As many as it would prevent or make less serious? There are precious few times more power will get you out of trouble but plenty where too much will get you into it.

I can think of one situation where I was driving where more speed got me out of trouble. I was only in that situation because I was going too fast for the situation in the first place. If I'd known I was limited to 70 I wouldn't have tried to overtake in the first place. Happily no one got hurt and I've learnt from it, but it's nothing compared to the number of times I've had to stamp on the brakes to avoid someone doing something stupid.
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Too much traffic on the road for fast to be a good option, apart from odd times.

For me it's more about progress than speed. A steady (slower than speed limit) flow is much preferable to go/stop/go holdups, often caused by 1 or 2 trying to go faster than the general flow
As many as it would prevent or make less serious? There are precious few times more power will get you out of trouble but plenty where too much will get you into it.

I can think of one situation where I was driving where more speed got me out of trouble. I was only in that situation because I was going too fast for the situation in the first place. If I'd known I was limited to 70 I wouldn't have tried to overtake in the first place. Happily no one got hurt and I've learnt from it, but it's nothing compared to the number of times I've had to stamp on the brakes to avoid someone doing something stupid.
I can think of zero times, I needed my speedo to assist me in avoiding an accident.
Truth be told (you wouldn't think it from my posts in this thread) I'm not actually pro things like technically implemented speed limits, enforced distance between vehicles and so on. However, what gets my goat is this. Because none of these things are in place, folk are obviously free to do whatever they like. So when you're going about your day to day business from a driving perspective, generally staying within the law and trying your best to be a decent driver, you're surrounded by folk that ignore all of this to varying degrees.

Years ago, they made a street I was living in a 20 zone and installed speed bumps. We actually had a set of them directly outside our house. This was quite a busy residential road, cars parked both sides, very built-up, bus route and used as a rat run.

This meant diddly squat to a fairly high percentage of drivers. You'd still see them flying up and down the road, some excessively so. The same must be true all over the country.

Soooo ... if we're incapable as a collective of doing it properly, bring in the tech to force us. That's the stage I'm reaching with all of this.
considering the general attitude to driving forced tech may be a good way forward, . But even then that would not stop idiots driving at exactly 30 when the sensible speed may be 10. (outside a school at picky up time)

Another way would be enforcement - give local authorities the power to raise revenue by catching speeders etc with hidden cameras. And plain clothes patrolmen to catch mobile phone use. Drivers would soon get the message.
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Too much traffic on the road for fast to be a good option, apart from odd times.

For me it's more about progress than speed. A steady (slower than speed limit) flow is much preferable to go/stop/go holdups, often caused by 1 or 2 trying to go faster than the general flow
It's normally caused by people trying to queue cut or gap fill But I'm sure there are plenty of times when you've been driving on an relatively empty road with good visibility.

There isn't much wrong with the police system of driving and that is very much about attitude and observation. The numbers are less important. being able to stop in the distance you can see is clear, safely and on your own side of the road, is really the focus. Not choosing some arbitrary number. Of course its your choice to cruise along at 60 on a motorway and nobody should get upset with you if you do.
considering the general attitude to driving forced tech may be a good way forward, . But even then that would not stop idiots driving at exactly 30 when the sensible speed may be 10. (outside a school at picky up time)

Another way would be enforcement - give local authorities the power to raise revenue by catching speeders etc with hidden cameras. And plain clothes patrolmen to catch mobile phone use. Drivers would soon get the message.
Speeding is rarely a factor in road accidents. There is plenty of data on this. The more you control, the less the driver concentrates.
It's normally caused by people trying to queue cut or gap fill But I'm sure there are plenty of times when you've been driving on an relatively empty road with good visibility.

There isn't much wrong with the police system of driving and that is very much about attitude and observation. The numbers are less important. being able to stop in the distance you can see is clear, safely and on your own side of the road, is really the focus. Not choosing some arbitrary number. Of course its your choice to cruise along at 60 on a motorway and nobody should get upset with you if you do.
And you feel qualified to choose what speed you should do?

So everybody else can too ?

And what would (does) that lead to? That's why limits are there. Because driving standards are not good enough to allow unlimited speeds. Yes, yours too.
That's not the criteria for speed limits at all and not for many years has it been about safety. You will find today's guidance on setting limits is much more about coping with traffic density, reducing noise, encouraging alternative forms of transport etc.

It's your responsibility as a driver, to choose a safe speed. if you remove that obligation, many drivers will simply plant their foot and switch off their brain.

You're jumping to the conclusion that because I have a background in advanced driver training, which has included many training course where I was not subject to the speed limit, I am some sort of boy racer. I'm not, I stick to the limits - but sticking to the limits doesn't make me safe, it's looking and anticipating and allowing for others to make mistakes that is the skill.
That's not the criteria for speed limits at all and not for many years has it been about safety. You will find today's guidance on setting limits is much more about coping with traffic density, reducing noise, encouraging alternative forms of transport etc.
Exactly my point.

Progress is better than speed.

Well done for recognising it, and the reasons for limits
That's not the criteria for speed limits at all and not for many years has it been about safety. You will find today's guidance on setting limits is much more about coping with traffic density, reducing noise, encouraging alternative forms of transport etc.
very important, we need active travel for many many reasons, and a great off put to those wishing to cycle etc is the excessive speed and bullying by cars and truks

Another good reason to reduce speeds, esp on motorways / trunk roads, is less speed equals less fuel being used.
I don’t like cruising alongside other vehicles, so speed up to make a clear space even if it means going over the limit for a while.

I don’t know the current rules on undertaking but this seems to happen constantly on the M25, maybe as a result of variable speed limits
I don’t know the current rules on undertaking

Stick to the leftest lane you can reasonably do, keep a good distance to the vehicle in front, and drive at a safe speed (within the indicated speed limit).

If doing this means you "undertake" some brainless twonk who is bolted into lane three or four, I'd back you up (y)
I don’t like cruising alongside other vehicles, so speed up to make a clear space even if it means going over the limit for a while.

I don’t know the current rules on undertaking but this seems to happen constantly on the M25, maybe as a result of variable speed limits
Not illegal but discouraged for a number of reasons and I think if you do undertake and cause an incident, you can be done for careless driving.
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