Speeding ticket!

Don't quote me on this but it is worth looking into.

I was always under the impression that they had to give some leeway for any discrepancies on the cars speedo. The rule I was led to believe was that if it went to court and you said your speedo was out they will allow 10% plus 3. Hence in a 30 mph zone you could get away with 36. This I believed was the reason why most people don't get issued a ticket if doing much under this figure.

Check it out, I'm happy to be corrected. Good luck, bloody annoying though they always seem to get you on roads where the speed limit should be higher and never at a school or high street where there are more risks of hitting someone.
My first wife got caught doing 36 in a 30 zone in 2010 and received 3 points and a £70 fine.

Then the next year she was done for travelling at 55 in a 50 zone. This time she was offered a course (with no points) but that cost almost as much as a fine, at £65.

She (and I, for that matter) was livid as in both cases the roads were empty and the speeds could hardly be described as dangerous.

She was even more annoyed because I have never had a speeding ticket and I speed (slightly) all the time. I think the important thing is to keep a weather eye out for cameras, although these mobile ones in unmarked vehicles is definitely sneaky.
Since our enviro-tw@ mayor (he with the red trousers :rolleyes: ) introduced a 20mph limit in certain areas, we now have to in Bristol. Because it's not all areas, you can literally drive down one road at 30, turn into another road that's 20, then round the corner back to 30. Everyone ignores it anyway. :cool:

Yes, I've heard about him.

I'm surprised that people haven't voted him out of office by now. When's the next local election? :mad:
Is it true they have to display a sign warning you of speed cameras? I've never seen a camera at a place where there are no signs - not even mobile ones.
Don't quote me on this but it is worth looking into.

I was always under the impression that they had to give some leeway for any discrepancies on the cars speedo. The rule I was led to believe was that if it went to court and you said your speedo was out they will allow 10% plus 3. Hence in a 30 mph zone you could get away with 36. This I believed was the reason why most people don't get issued a ticket if doing much under this figure.

Check it out, I'm happy to be corrected. Good luck, bloody annoying though they always seem to get you on roads where the speed limit should be higher and never at a school or high street where there are more risks of hitting someone.

For 'vehicle type approval' Car speedometer must not read a lessor speed than the actual.
I think it used to be up to 10% fast was ok, EU regs have made the limits a little more complex, but essentialy the same - wouldn't you guess !!
Thanks to 'Honest John' http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=16567 for the following :-
'"The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, as amended, allows the use of speedometers that meet the requirements of EC Community Directive 75/443(97/39) or ECE Regulation 39. Both the EC Directive and the ECE Regulation lay down accuracy requirements to be applied at the time of vehicle approval for speedometers. These requirements are that the indicated speed must not be more than 10 per cent of the true speed plus 4 km/h. In production, however, a slightly different tolerance of 5 per cent plus 10 km/h is applied. The requirements are also that the indicated speed must never be less than the true speed. A vehicle meeting these requirements would not be able to travel at a greater speed than that shown on the speedometer and a driver could not, therefore, inadvertently exceed speed restrictions. Her Majesty's Government have no plans to introduce instrument tests."...

ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) Speed Enforcement Guidelines document.

Speeding, guidelines - and only guidelines. Offence at 10% + 2mph of limit.
20mph limit 24 mph measured = offence.
50mph limit 57mph measured = offence.
etc etc.

However, para 9.7 of the document above states clearly, the guidelines do not and cannot replace police officer's discretion.

An adjustable speed limiter - many French based cars have these - very useful, let the car do the work. Rarely feel the need to 'push through' the accelerator pedal detent, this action over rides the set point limit... Allowing one to 'accelerate out of trouble', more likely into worse trouble I'll bet.

Cheers for the replies everyone.....we'll see what happens when I place my head on the block with the wicker basket beneath :p
It seems that the 10% + 2 rumour though is just that......there were camera signs on that road, even though the fixed one is miles away.
Have a good day, all.
John :)
Just out of interest John. My friend did something you can try for yourself if it helps. He went on to an insurance site, (e-bike & e-car), where you can submit a quote with and without a speeding offence. It made absolutely no difference, (presumably), because even insurance companies know it's bu¦¦sh1t.

If it's for running a red light however or overtaking on double white lines your quote will double!!!

You see, they understand the difference between a technical infringement and really dangerous driving. Sadly, not all police or the Law recognise the difference between these two scenarios...

I would expect you to be offered a SA course. They, in turn, will expect you to nod and agree with everything like a performing monkey or you can fail. So I hope you’re good at biting your tongue.

They have two weeks to serve you with a NIP unless you’re stopped at the time. Good luck...
Actually, and trying to be positive here, my first wife found her 'offender's course' very interesting. For weeks afterwards she was telling me all about lamp-posts and things whenever we went out in the car.
Actually, and trying to be positive here, my first wife found her 'offender's course' very interesting. For weeks afterwards she was telling me all about lamp-posts and things whenever we went out in the car.
Yes JBR, my work colleague said that too. It can be helpful as a refresher but as for his driving or speeding? It was business as usual.

The man is 60 years old with an impeccable driving record. What more evidence does anyone need that his must be doing something safe, as low a risk as it gets? As I always say, if you want to know who the truly dangerous drivers are ask insurance companies. Speed limits have been dropping under the umbrella of elf & safety to absurd limits on roads which are not, and nowhere near, a black spot. (Hang on, is that a racist term yet?).

“Show me someone who doesn’t speed and I will show you a liar or a menace”. It’s one of the most hypocritical topics I can think of.
Is it true they have to display a sign warning you of speed cameras? I've never seen a camera at a place where there are no signs - not even mobile ones.

No, AFAIK they do not "have" to, it is only recommended that they do.
I believe it was deemed more effective.

After all the object of the exercise is to get people to slow down or, rather, not to speed; not to raise money - ha,ha.

Which is safer; to actually get people to observe the speed-limit or fine those who aren't?

It would obviously be more sensible to have these things near schools etc. and not where the road widens or straightens or where the speed-limit has recently been lowered.

So, I guess some are for safety and some are for revenue.
Fixed penalty Notices are £100 these days - you may get offered a Speed Awareness course

Since our enviro-tw@ mayor (he with the red trousers :rolleyes: ) introduced a 20mph limit in certain areas, we now have to in Bristol. Because it's not all areas, you can literally drive down one road at 30, turn into another road that's 20, then round the corner back to 30. Everyone ignores it anyway. :cool:

Yes, I've heard about him.

I'm surprised that people haven't voted him out of office by now. When's the next local election? :mad:

His name's George Ferguson and seems to want everyone in Bristol to ride a bike as he does. :rolleyes: Mind you, he's a multi-milionaire, so has all day to dawdle on his push bike. Being a mayor is his hobby.

The next election is May 2016, unless Fergie has 'accidentally' 'strayed' under the wheels of an artic before then. :evil: