Possible Speeding Ticket

It was a passenger car. So the law applies differently to say a tradesman in his Van?
sentencing guidelines take account of the vehicle conditions and load, which effectively means they can be subject to tougher sentences.

Rejecting the courts authority and other such FMoTL "cleverness" is a really good way to see just how much a magistrate enjoys a good laugh.

FYI This has nothing to do with common law, commercial law, maritime law etc.. or even playground law. Speeding offences are well defined in statute.
Edit: changed my tune.

I assume you register the vehicle in a trust etc etc. I'm all ears if you'd like to educate me further ..
That's one way to make it nigh-on impossible for authorities to find out who to rob fine money from.
On a related note, have you seen Peter of England's vids on YT?
There are some who claim that travelling is their God-given right and that "driving" is done for commercial gain; you need a licence for driving but not for travelling. There are others who have de-registered their vehicles from the DVLA and do not pay VED or insurance and others who leave vehicles registered with the DVLA but change the registered keeper to a trust with several members.
That's one way to make it nigh-on impossible for authorities to find out who to rob fine money from.
On a related note, have you seen Peter of England's vids on YT?

I have and I'm glad you bring it up because clearly more people know about this stuff now versus 10 years or so ago.

I'd consider the trust juggling act part of the freeman approach, just my opinion. If it results in a failure of the state to extort then the proof is in the pudding as far as I'm concerned. I'm also not especially interested in freemen as a theme. I do believe the state provides some value because, after all, we are not living like the Russians during the 1930s. The trouble I have is where huge financial rifts appear in budgets and the then 'serving' authority decides to go after the little people to stuff that gap.

I'll go back over the Peter of England stuff sometime because I haven't looked into it for years.
speeding offences are well defined in statute.

Well defined yes - but law ? My understanding is that its still statute and requires consent, although the heavy handed coercion tactics employed would give the illusion of law. Where's the harm, loss or injury exactly ?
Well defined yes - but law ? My understanding is that its still statute and requires consent, although the heavy handed coercion tactics employed would give the illusion of law. Where's the harm, loss or injury exactly ?
'Tis interesting stuff, this common law / freeman thing...

My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) is that if you stand up in court when told to do so (be upstanding), then you are giving your 'consent' to accede to it's jurisdiction over common law.
The police though I believe swear to uphold common law.
And you are conned from the day you are born. Get a birth certificate/legal fiction, and you don't even 'own' your own name.
Moreover it means that the state 'owns' the new 'cash cow', not the parents!
So if your car is unregistered what will happen if you get ANPR’d?

I had an unregistered Golf that I did up, the day I finished I parked it outside for my missus to go and tax it and it got taken away for having no tax, cost me £105 to get it back :(
Common Law - is legal convention based on decided cases. The Freeman of the Land b***x is a bunch of people trying to opt out of the law of the land. The problem is they can sound very convincing and will happily encourage stupid people to do stupid things. Its fine for them as they aren't the one getting their fine doubled or worse. Most of the speeding loopholes have been closed.

Refusing to sign the NIP was probably the best one of the day as it meant there was no evidence to prosecute the driver - but thats been closed.
The "Hamilton" is still a good one as is the "Clarkson". The Hamilton relies on the RK accusing another driver of being the driver and the other driver denying it. The RK complies with S172 RTA request, but the accused not being the RK has a lower obligation to provide info. The Clarkson is a variation that relies on a lease or hire car, such that the probable keeper at the time is not the RK. of course you commit perverting the course of justice if you are are a liar and get found out.
You can dodge speed awareness by booking and delaying, forgetting to pay, changing date etc. and then after 5 months saying - no thanks - by which time the original offence is timed out - they are wise to this now though.

I'm surprised more people don't go for the no number plate option as the fines are low
Common Law - is legal convention based on decided cases. The Freeman of the Land b***x is a bunch of people trying to opt out of the law of the land.
Maybe you would like to comment on the following?



And maybe you would like to comment on the disregard for the 'law of the land' by the court...
And also why you appear to happily relinquish your own rights?
I watched the clips, I must have missed the bit where the guy didn't have to pay after all.
I watched the clips, I must have missed the bit where the guy didn't have to pay after all.
But you must have seen the bit where the decision/judgement was signed before the hearing even took place...

If you believe that is justice then you deserve all you get!