Stock market dealing

That Rivian loss:
05/02/2024 17:00
Rivian Automotive Inc
Short all the way up?? Have I got the right chart?

Today I sat in the Mara again, with some Baba off the sticky note. Baba was too zaggy for comfort though it also did a few %..
About 6%
5.5% x 5 x £80k is ok.
Mara was low stress:
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Why do you say you have to log in before 8am? What is it showing then? Or do you have to wait until 8:15 for it to sort itself out and show something (which would make sense as it then has something to show for the day's move)?
Try it!
Sign in Just to be ready so you aren't faffing on the open. It will log you out after a while. You have to keep refreshing .
It's just the ordering of the names which takes a while to settle - the prices are live, to 1 minute.
London is a pain. But if there's a jump off the open with a narrowish spread, you can often grab 1-2% or so of reversion. Look at yesterday's close - they often end up there again. If they're going to go on up, say, look for a dip at about 8:20 - 8:30, then a continuation.
If your platform has Pivots, try those, about 4 levels. They often fit, too.

5th, HSBC, a couple of reversions.
The spread may have been too wide for the first, and the second is only half a % - but it's a bank! You can try thoseextended top wicks for shorts with stop sells preset by guessing, close enough.
Try it!
Sign in Just to be ready so you aren't faffing on the open. It will log you out after a while. You have to keep refreshing .
It's just the ordering of the names which takes a while to settle - the prices are live, to 1 minute.
London is a pain. But if there's a jump off the open with a narrowish spread, you can often grab 1-2% or so of reversion. Look at yesterday's close - they often end up there again. If they're going to go on up, say, look for a dip at about 8:20 - 8:30, then a continuation.
If your platform has Pivots, try those, about 4 levels. They often fit, too.

5th, HSBC, a couple of reversions.
The spread may have been too wide for the first, and the second is only half a % - but it's a bank! You can try thoseextended top wicks for shorts with stop sells preset by guessing, close enough.
View attachment 332067
Did you seriously write this at 4am?

Anway, obviously you don't know if a price level is going to constitute an extended wick until the price has fallen back and the next time period commenced. If you got in on the first dip on your chart at the top of the wick then I would say well done, but you were very lucky. The second one occurred well after 8:20-8:30 so you would have expected a continuation, not a dip there.

Let's look at today's risers:
RSW: A couple of dips, one at 9:05, the other at 9:17. Neither anywhere near the pivots. You would have had to have been very lucky to have hit either of them.
BP: Gentle decline from 8:18 well above the pivots. Maybe possible to make a little out of it if you got in at the right time.
SSIT: Spread is too big.
JCGI: Spread is too big.
BGCG: No dips and spread is too big.
RR: Dip at 8:04 scarcely bigger than the spread. Bigger one at 9:15 but how would you know in advance?

Looks pretty hopeless to me.
That Rivian loss:
05/02/2024 17:00
Rivian Automotive Inc
Short all the way up?? Have I got the right chart?
View attachment 332065

Today I sat in the Mara again, with some Baba off the sticky note. Baba was too zaggy for comfort though it also did a few %..
About 6%
5.5% x 5 x £80k is ok.
Mara was low stress:
View attachment 332068

Yes, I got in on Neal's tip at 1:39 here
. "I still want shorts on Rivian ahead of 15, no questions asked". Also support at S2 being hit repeatedly, looked like it was about to break, TSLA down a lot on the day, Rivian yet to break, and one minute moving average crossing. It was almost a perfect setup!
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Did you seriously write this at 4am?
Yes I wake up and have to take more pain killers.
Anway, obviously you don't know if a price level is going to constitute an extended wick
Well, you can work with it.
If you have a rising price, it's going to come back after it's gone up - - ok a bit obvious.
At that time of day things are volatile. So you can put, as I said, a buy stop order speculatively high, ie one that's so high that if it's reached, the price is very likely to drop again very quickly. If it drops more than the spread opbviously you can sell, unless you think it's going to be lower later.
It depends, but often you can see the way the wick is extending, again at that time of day it would be every few seconds.
I would have likely bought atthe upper end of the wick before the highest one as well, on my screen one character height above the grey line. That and the next would be closed somewhere in the dip.
TRy it in a simulator until you get it more right than wrong. Or see where Neal and Sahawns fills are - theirs are marked with triangles. They can be on every single candle.


Apart from BP and RR I haven't heard of those, so unless they were in the news , I would expect there's no chance the spread /volatility would let you trade them. There aren't many names you can use unless you're in all day, but as I said the banks, plus AZ, GSK, RR, Ocado, RR can be ok . SOMetimes the Pru or Unilever.
It's certainly harder than the US market.
Mostly it's only worth looking at HL's heat map for the FTSE 100.
I tend to recognise the tickers from those so if they're showing as active in the All-share they stick out.
If something takes off like Superdry, then off you go.
There's "UK 100" ticker or whatever you have, as well
As I write I'm using that, entry shown

Why? Well there's trend, innit, heading for the levels from the far left:

It got there so I just sold. It's tiny but I was sitting here.
"I still want shorts on Rivian ahead of 15, no questions asked". Also support at S2 being hit repeatedly, looked like it was about to break, TSLA down a lot on the day, Rivian yet to break, and one minute moving average crossing. It was almost a perfect setup!
He said that just after 10 am their time. He didn't mean any old time, any old where, south of 15, he meant from the level at 15. He would have done that every time it reached 15, which iirc was about 3.

At the point you entered, red oval, the price was clearly rising and likely to go up to about the level from the previous high, where the blue line happens to be.
Entry points come at reversals (usually), not part way up a rise. They come at breakouts or levels. Sometimes you miss it and have to join late I would agree, but Neal NEVER joins like that. If he sees something moving, he is, as kids say "like", "OK I'm going to trade it when it changes direction". Entry points are critical. Generally if you miss it, don't enter.

Shawn says he only uses trends and levels. The other two are more often on about flat -bottomed breaks and the like.
Yesterday was failrly hard unless you went for Baba or Mara, Coin.
I don't want to tear your trades to bits, the bad ones usually look obviously terrible afterwards!

But you need "confluence". The 50 SMA on the daily can be good, the Anchored daily VWAP, (free for one chart on TV) but not always.
I don't have pivots, unless I load TV, but Cherif likes them. The algos obviously use all those.
That UK 100 I was in earlier:

I wrote that I'd closed the Long when it was getting up to the previous levels, about where the buy/sell lines are now.

There was a rising channel, see? I hadn't bothered to draw it. But you can see it is CONFLUENT with the level, when the price was in the circle so I went short, and set a TP at the bottom edge of the channel (pinky line). Then went long.
I didn't notice the TP being hit because I was typing, (so look here, you cost me money!!)

The spread isn't ideal, and the whole lot only adds up to a third of a percent or something. £32.63.

I don't always get it right. I was in NVD3 this morning, no particular reason except Ithink it still has legs, but it fell a bit.
Reminder to self - Never buy a leveraged stock, unless you're watching it! You daren't set SLs because of wicks. Does your platform have ATR stops? (AVerage trading range)

Also, my platform has a new Tech CFD, so I though OK, I CBA to look it up but I'll buy ONE share (~£20) just to watch how it does.
After a short while, the answer is "Not Very Well". It's now worthless, and I've found it's a HK group of 7 people with their accounts in the Cayman Islands.

Mistake#3, not going long on 3x PLTR overnight - up 50%
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Yes, lots of the FTSE All Shares stocks seem to be investment funds. Superdry isn't in the FTSE100 is it? So you would have had to have been looking at the AllShare heat map to have noticed it.

Your FTSE100 trade is good, although a somewhat different strategy to the one for individual stocks at the open.
Lost some by mistiming disposals of tth big movers - Pltr, N|idia and was suckered in to the TTV bouncing round the stock market so lost some there
I had Baba, and followed Mara again, up and down a few times, added up to enough.
I noticed I was predicting top wicks - - it's by the momentum really, probably more than by setting stop enter orders. It's like predicting where a ball's going to bounce or how far up a slpe it's likely to roll. Sure you don't KNOW, but ...

Oh it says there's another post...

"Superdry isn't in the FTSE100 is it?"
No it's not , I thought I'd pointed that out - It's rare that something from down there has the volume. Usually only the top 100, which all fits on a screen ;) is all you need.

"Your FTSE100 trade is good, although a somewhat different strategy to the one for individual stocks at the open."
Yeah, of course, you have to use whatever seems appropriate. Those with years of experience like ttv must have a couple of doozen strategies. I was using it to illustrate confluence, levels, etc. The Asian woman Humbled Trader is quite good for little strategies.
Another fine day

  • 06/02/2024 20:35
    Uber Technologies Inc (All Sessions)
  • 06/02/2024 18:29
    Eli Lilly & Co
  • 06/02/2024 16:42
    Palantir Technologies Inc (All Sessions)
  • 06/02/2024 15:32
    Walt Disney Co (All Sessions)
  • 06/02/2024 15:25
    FTSE 100
  • 06/02/2024 15:07
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 06/02/2024 12:29
    Intel Corp (All Sessions)
  • 06/02/2024 09:11
    BP PLC
  • Total
Aw gee, that's too much.
I assume you look back at your trades?
Can you see what you're getting wrong? It's concerning that you thought that loser above was a good setup.

There were interesting results after market, and there are more in the morning, which SC will shout about, but some of the traditional movers like Mara, Affirm and Carvana were all I really needed today ( didn't look at them all) . Palantir was exceptional, ok.. SMCI can do likewise but it's pig to trade.
There's always the Nasdaq futures or the spy.
Aw gee, that's too much.
I assume you look back at your trades?
Can you see what you're getting wrong? It's concerning that you thought that loser above was a good setup.

There were interesting results after market, and there are more in the morning, which SC will shout about, but some of the traditional movers like Mara, Affirm and Carvana were all I really needed today ( didn't look at them all) . Palantir was exceptional, ok.. SMCI can do likewise but it's pig to trade.
There's always the Nasdaq futures or the spy.

Yes, I looked back at my plan with BABA yesterday. The sticky said to go long at 72. I set an alert, it triggered, and I decided to watch for a bit for a good moment to go long, but it shot away without me. So I decided today simply to set orders for all the sticky note recommendations. That's how I entered Tesla.

For Palentir, a floor seemed to be forming. I reckoned that those who had bought would have done so by that time, and some would have stops below the floor. So I set an order to sell below the floor, which was hit, and then the price carried on up.
It's instructive to set the orders on a simulator but sometimes you can't. If they say 72L and the price is already 80, you'd have to wait until the pprice had got down to that level before going long. Getting away from you is a concentration problem for ordinary mortals, hence I tend to stick to a couple of names. How they track about 8 I don't know. Brian Shannon (worth listening to) used 5 yesterday.

I'm perfectly happy with one if it doubles in price! Catena yells about 20c - ugh.
5% is quite common to find, in hindsight. Do you have the leveraged ETP's like qqq5? and nvs3?
Morning play: today, HSBC pullback. Market opened on the dotted line with a gap down.
Bought a couple of minutes in at the double dojis and it reverted towards where it started.
The top blue candle - or the doji after it, was easy to pick as a limit to the rise. SPread was tolerable, got about 0.28%.
£56 then went for breakfast!


Banks often do that sort of thing.
Supermarkets often do this sort of thing:
Can't catch em all!
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Sure, I can look into the leveraged markets if I want to lose money even faster.

HSBC not one of the risers, so I didn't look at it. Tried going for shorts into 20-30 minutes as you suggest. Two didn't really move, the other went the wrong way:

  • 07/02/2024 08:28
  • 07/02/2024 08:26
    Taylor Wimpey PLC
  • 07/02/2024 08:26
    Smurfit Kappa Group PLC
Went long on some of the early risers in the UK to catch the continuation after 8:30, then followed traders on tradingtv quite closely:

  • 07/02/2024 19:54
    Snap Inc (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 19:54
    Roblox Corporation
  • 07/02/2024 19:41
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 19:10
    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 16:38
    Snap Inc (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 16:34
    Uber Technologies Inc (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 15:45
    Roblox Corporation
  • 07/02/2024 15:40
    Roblox Corporation
  • 07/02/2024 15:37
    Roblox Corporation
  • 07/02/2024 15:34
    Persimmon PLC
  • 07/02/2024 15:34
    Smurfit Kappa Group PLC
  • 07/02/2024 15:33
    Taylor Wimpey PLC
  • 07/02/2024 15:30
    Roblox Corporation
  • 07/02/2024 15:25
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 15:17
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 15:10
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 15:08
    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 15:04
    Rivian Automotive Inc
  • 07/02/2024 15:04
    Ford Motor Co (All Sessions)
  • 07/02/2024 14:54
    Rivian Automotive Inc
  • 07/02/2024 08:28
  • 07/02/2024 08:26
    Taylor Wimpey PLC
  • 07/02/2024 08:26
    Smurfit Kappa Group PLC
  • Total
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