Stock market dealing

Even the High Street broker or "financial adviser" will make more money from additional policies sold and commission on higher premiums.
That’s correct. But i was talking about the insurers and reinsurers.

I imagine the scale of the loss is well beyond the worst-case scenarios they put into their pricing models, so there will be capital outflows (and possibly insolvent insurers/reinsurers) from this.
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Two trades today, both long
A disastrous closure on one, a brilliant one on the other.

I saw there was some sort of "fair" insurance scheme in California, after precious fires.
Maybe they just oughta build their houses better. Wouldn't save them all, but...?

I did hold International General Insurance for a while. I looked at it when it dipped and wondered about a 1k punt. I didn't, but it would have made fifty quid.

Most days have been green with good long runs in prices. $BTCT flies around on bitcoin moves. I've lost a bit of interest in sitting all day.
At the moment there aren't many opportunities like 3xNVD or 3xPLTR to get excited over
Manipulating Passing Billions takes some time, and I'm getting older. There are still some bondy things around which are boringly interesting.

Of course Trump could cause mayhem unlike anything Truss could have wished for.

Buy Platinum too. European financials and then Industrials should rally. I after low Apples.
Treasury bonds - yawn but look at the percentage shifts:

You have to watch what's going on, but not on an hourly basis.


Using this at this moment. Cant't leverage in the premarket, but I'm up 25% today so far.


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Glad I was able to show some of it - here's the rest of the day, 94% up - actually over 100% because one avoids some of the dips.

That means x2 on the day. Then some of it was x5 leveraged, so wound up with some silly multiple like x7. 700%.
Monday is

I also took Fanny and Freddie again ( FNMA and FMCC) so could dump some on those (BTCT, above was limited) and those came up 24%, today.

Some UK banks are doing ok. HSBC is up 20% in the last couple of months and they give 5.6% dividend. That might appeal as a "safe" stock. The dividend can be good too depending on your tax position.

From Last time(s) there was a rally into trump/presidents getting in, followed by some profit taking. Next week will be choppy.
Thing to watch there are Industrials, Energy and Banks. (XLE,XLF and XLI) If they start to sell off, probably banks first, the rest of the market is likely to follow. Banks have just gone up, based on results.
Most of my savings are not on a quick stock trading platforms, but stocks and shares investment platforms in Funds(OEICS) . Those are pathetically slow to do what you tell them. They make money by using your money in the time which used to be for "settling", They still claim things take time, which they don't of course. That's a gripe. ANyway they do at least sell smartly, (you need to know their deadlines etc) and you're better off having the money out of the market than holding through an extended sell, if you have somewhere else to put it. If you PHONE the platform , usually they will switch you from one fund to another sooner after the sale has happened.. As shown above there are reliable places to get something near a couple of percent a month.
Some of the OEICS, such as Baillie Gifford America B, can go up a couple of percent a day. Whoopy doo, but they can dump faster - to be avoided.
The markets usually deflate into February, so the plan is to sell as best a time I can get, then use the better bonds and being highly selective on equity funds,, until picking some dips.
Not really expecting great dips n the best places, which I think may well be RObotics particularly,( and also some health and Biometrics stock). (XBI). BUt RObots are applications for AI which can actually be monetised.
ChatCPT type AI is all very lovely but doesn't save you many people .
But if you have a factory full of physical robots, which you can control sensibly, there's money to be saved. Amurrican people are expensive to employ, especially after you've deported all the cheap ones, and you've created demand by tariffing imports.
So Robotics is my sector for 25. Biometrics is harder to nail,but the human-like robots potentially have a greater markup.
The thing about fancy software, once you've written it, is that the second copy is free.

Those running for safety - medium term, will go for gold as usual, but platinum is looking cheap by comparison, so should get a look in.
Everybody is buying Crypto (BItcoin, ignore the rest except for XPM). Its growth rate may well be ok, but you can't leverage it, or use options, so you can do better in the right equities.
But for day trading, when you can get 700% in a day, it's quite handy. I do have some cash in Blockchain ETFs, which have done ok. Good for a bit of diversity.
SO I have to find Robotics and Biometrics stocks. The biggies - Apple, NVidia... are in there, but there are lesser known ones, like Richtech Robotics,....... WHat it takes is exceptional people...

Imagine walking up to a machine and telling it "FOur 5051 Aluminium bars, 301.5mm long and 25.4mm diameter, sharp edges broken, " and going to the next machine while it gets on with your order. Then you hear it "What else would you like"....
"We have the technology", but it'll cost yo more than $6,000,000.
If you'd "always wait for a pullback" you'd have done better.
Yes I guess so. FOMO. I thought yesterday that gold would come up to the black trend on here and then I would sell. When it came close and started to fall I felt that it had done what it was going to do, so I got in short. Should have considered that it could still go there, as it did.

I 'm still bewildered by why you enter, in many cases, and why you stay in a trade which isn't doing what you planned for.
This one particularly:

You went long, right?
It was cleear pretty quickly it was falling, so get out.
Then the next bottom is a clear reverse, so get back in again.
Right at the top, you had a clear profit - so take it!!

Today I looked for the recent runners off the open, picked SMR. It went about 19%, I got 15%, but not leveraged.

It's worth looking at the small cap gappers. One today went 1200%!. DOgwood therapeutics.
I got a few bits out of it. Sweat until they're well above the stop loss.

Otherwise, messy day.
Amazon might go, tomoz.
You went long, right?
It was cleear pretty quickly it was falling, so get out.
Then the next bottom is a clear reverse, so get back in again.
Right at the top, you had a clear profit - so take it!!
I had wanted to get in earlier, but my new resolution was to always wait for a pullback. It didn't come, but bitcoin carried on up, the 20EMA crossed the 100EMA so I got in. I didn't see any clear signal to get out, but I did have the black line marked on, so should have anticipated it returning to that. Sure, it looked like a reversal when the black line was hit, but it wouldn't have helped me to have got in - I didn't want to be doing this after 9pm and the market was down the next day.
It didn't come
Don't enter then!!

the 20EMA crossed the 100EMA
Was there a trend going ion the right direction at the same time, as is the requirement for that to supposedly be meaningful?
I've not found it all that good.
MACD or Commodity Channel divergence works most of the time, but I think they're better for longer time frames. You have to reduce the numbers, for day trading.
For day trading thouigh I think levels , catalysts and momentum ar usually more use.

Today I looked around the ones which have been running, early on, and settled on RIgetti (I mentioned it a day or two ago) because it was going up quite fast. Then it stopped, but instead of going flat which they usually do, it conveniently came all the way back down again.
. It did this:
No i didn't wait for a pull back, more than within the first candle.


As you can see it started just before the market opened. Up and Up about 17%, Down about 18 = 35, x 5 turned 100 into 275.
TTV was yelling about other things like bitcoin, but I just sat on that.

I also bought a slug of GBP/USD. because it's going mad. Some shares I have have gone up, but are worth less because the dollar has weakened faster.
NOt even Trump knows what's going to happen to the dollar.
It's playing havoc with some of my long-term stuff, Hedged and Unhedged versions of the samefund went in opposite directions!

TradingView has stopped doing a free screener with 1 minute and 5 minute changes showing. Grr. Do you use one.?
Was there a trend going ion the right direction at the same time, as is the requirement for that to supposedly be meaningful?
Yes, there was.

A scanner doesn't tell you everything, you still need to go through the stocks it lists and I typically see reasons to rule a lot of them out. I have used the stocks identified by T212. I did get into Spectral AI long on Wednesday as it was up, AI was a big thing and it seemed to be overlooked in AI discussions. I'm still in it and it is well down.
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