Stock market dealing

Hello, what's this?

(lower crypto prices)
But trading is not the same as investing.

Trading and investing are the same in most aspects, just different timeframes.

Shoulda Invested in that crypto:
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Then you can go short for the reds, use finer periods (those are weeks), count the narrower candles etc etc.
It works. The 5 means it's a 5x leveraged stock, by the way.
If all these simple strategies that you suggest actually work, why haven't hedge funds just algorithmed them to death?
If all these simple strategies that you suggest actually work, why haven't hedge funds just algorithmed them to death?
They do/have. Google it!
Try one - set one up on paper trading. Manually would do for a start.
The yields are quite small on a lot of them, one can beat them with a brain.
There are guys on Github develping bot algos. Some charge a couple of thousand but some are free.

There;s a guy on TTV, Adam de Looze. You can google him. He said his bot gets him ~30% pa on forex. He doesn't put that on his website.

Have you seen one working on forex? It's mad, they can be trading several times a second when nothing's happening.
0.0001% on £millions mounts up. There must be a youtube.... Needs the right account, obvs.

Are you using an intraday screener, by the way, to see what's moving in the last minute, 5, 15 mins etc?
I'm tempted to do a better one of my own, but it's a lot of effort. Someone must have, and not be charging like a rhino for it...

This a.m. I've been jumping in and out of german defence. cos. Watch the 0.3% frog tax if you're using Thales, Safran, Dassault.

There are some interesting premarket as usual.
US stocks are looking shaky, Europe has been good but tarffs wait. Japan will be in the firing line next.
Bitcoin's off the boil. Time to buy if it drops much more.
China has been rising and doesn't seem bothered too much about trump.
UK builders should surely be getting some life in them soon?
I have Eutelsat but that won't go forever!
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Could China be emboldened to invade Taiwan now that Russia seems to be getting its way somewhat in Ukraine?
UK builders should surely be getting some life in them soon?
Why? The government has set a target of 1.5 million new homes by 2029, great. But to achieve that, the measures they have come up with are easing planning controls, and giving some £250 subsidy on fuel bills to people living near pylons. What about the shortage of land and lack of construction workers? Seem like much bigger issues. The government is probably making the latter issue worse, not better.
Why? The government has set a target of 1.5 million new homes by 2029, great. But to achieve that, the measures they have come up with are easing planning controls, and giving some £250 subsidy on fuel bills to people living near pylons. What about the shortage of land and lack of construction workers? Seem like much bigger issues. The government is probably making the latter issue worse, not better.
Well they did, check today's prices.
Looking at the market from a technical point of view, these stocks are beaten right down now, and houses need to be built.
It seems others saw the same on the chart as me.

Persimmon is my favourite. Last I looked some have heavy cladding obligations. Starmer said something about that.

I've been building in a few of this list for a few weeks, and others like Baba BYD and Nio.
China won't be devastated by trump sanctions, and they can fight back.
They're very keen on their AI developments.
I'm out of more of my US funds that I thought . Usually it's best to just ride through small dips, or even medium ones, but this one looks long enough to ba able to get back in cheaper later. Luckily this dip has been gradual, plenty of notice. Passing trillions have been hit maybe 3% overall, which isn' too bad. A couple of smallacconts where I heldon longer are down more. The biggest drop is from 41 to 37.5, so 10%.
I may use leveraged ETFs to try to get that one back again. It's opnly gone back a few months effectively, around October-November. Still up on the past 12 months by a good amount.

Gold may get a boost though I'm wary there. as well as China.

Top 7 Chinese stocks by one-year performance(nerdwallet)
Below is a list of the seven best-performing stocks in the last year that are listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ or AMEX exchanges, have a market capitalization of at least $1 billion and are headquartered in China or Hong Kong.
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
VNETVNET Group Inc ADR622.93%
KCKingsoft Cloud Holdings Ltd ADR465.19%
GDSGDS Holdings Limited ADR431.54%
HSAIHesai Group ADR382.09%
LXLexinFintech Holdings Ltd ADR378.69%
QFINQifu Technology Inc. ADR158.65%
XPEVXPeng Inc ADR135.62%
Took HSAI for a 35% or so rise. It was up more out of hours too, so may run again tomorrow.
I tried a couple of the others but they weren't as dramatic.

You get a good clue from what they did in HK the previous session, where they're listed there as well.
I have some Nio, Baba, Xpeng and Mizuo with unexciting TPs
Miz is currently up 2%. I hope they hit before morning, otherwise they'll have to wait a day or two.
The premarket is proving to be a good hunting ground., Am using HMR now, up 35% then another 10% so far,. Stopped going now.
Everything's uppy.
Dax x3 as they've settled in Germany.
UA has settled their debt review thing

LMI3 ( 3x microstrategy) is doing well for the isas.

NVDA should do well.

Japan 6544 is going up ( :):p:p )

Are you using an intraday screener - giving 5 minute, 15 minute etc changes?? I can't find one that's cheap enough
eSignal is $500 a month - annoying. MIke Nauss's is too much too.

There are free live price services,with an API so I 'll have ago at programming what I want if/when I get round to it.
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why don't we just write a screener? Use Alpaca and ChatGPT will help with the coding.
I haven't looked into Alpaca
Presumably you don't use a screener, then?

Have you tried TradingView? I have a grudge against them because I found they really do treat susbscibers like dirt, and it has endless snags. Ipaid up and used the subscriber version but found the screens wer fuzzy, witthe text sort--of fading away. They were useless. The solution t o tat is to no use the downloaded paid-for versio. Ridicuous.
IF you typre "stock screener" into a search engine, the version of TV you get is no use for intraday, it only has 1day as the minimuntime column and sayyou have to pay..
Even in the paid version, you have to pay extra for actual date, not a proxy thing, . That's per exchange and the price mounts up, and they don't tell you.
If you search on TV + an instrument upyou get one mode, a chart from which you can get a decent(for TV) screener.
If you go to you get a more usable screener.
It's a mess., but once you're there it's usable, finding active names fairy well.

I assume you didn'y know that then or you'd have said.

None of the screeeners afaik give what I want, which is an indicator (notification/display) of the slope of the trace.

I want to see if the price is turNING over a top/bottom.
I want something I can set to give the gradient in columns for say the previous 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20 . minutes
So if I own something which is rising, I would be able to see if the gradient reduces and how long it has been doing that. And of course whether it has gone flat.
It could well be someone has produced exactly that already. I though it would be doable in Excel, but afaik that only gets daily prices.

have yo seen anything like that?
In the long-term accounts, I was using a couple of funds which were doing well - Baillie Gifford America B, and Jupiter financial innovation for examples. Not ok now.
Germany + gold + China, just at the mo. Japan is pretty flat.
The ETF 3BAL , 3x European Banks, is doing well.
Spy may be just turning.

ETF wise, a couple of defense ones are doing well. Available of T212 even
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