
15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Rishi Sunak proposes talks with UK union leaders in effort to halt strikes
Prime minister calls meetings for Monday to discuss pay settlements amid wave of industrial action"


Who could have seen that coming?
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We are going to get virtual ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors beds and ambulances. They will only exist in our imagination.

Turns out while they have been in average increase on NHS has been 1.6%. It's usually 4 and sometimes a bit over that.
I’m striking on Monday if I don’t get less work and more pay.

Edit: All sorted. Strike averted. ;) (y)
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I’m striking on Monday if I don’t get less work and more pay.
You should try working to targets that are impossible to meet and employing people to monitor performance to see if they are met,
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Rail workers are not only striking about pay. One person looks after passengers AND drive the train? how is that safe FFS! Close most manned booking stations? That will only lead to more fare dodgers! THAT'S the reason for striking.
I don’t use the trains

Have not been on one for years

So I don’t care if they go on strike or not tbh

I don’t care if all the train drivers are sacked

The rail way service in this country is s***e and has been for years

Mind you I quite like that mick Lynch
Was watching one those old British movies from the 70s, it was about someone who was being spied on.
The bloke who was doing the spying was sitting in a car pretending to read a newspaper, the headline in the newspaper read, 'Railworkers to take more industrial action'.
I thought to myself, nothing ever really changes.
Mind you I quite like that mick Lynch
He's got the gift of the gab.
I watched him on television tie Piers Morgan up in knots.
Morgan is used to getting his own way during interviews, Lynch made him look stupid, LOL.
Rail workers are not only striking about pay. One person looks after passengers AND drive the train? how is that safe FFS! Close most manned booking stations? That will only lead to more fare dodgers! THAT'S the reason for striking.
Rail stations, especially in London are dangerous places these days, more guards are needed, not less.
Railworkers to take more industrial action'.
They haven't for rather a long time now. So problems now are hardly surprising.
Strikes currently are a big help for Sunak as they will swing public opinion. For most people they are a personal SEP. The only thing that disturbs them is any disruption they might encounter. The other aspect is that most do not do the job that strikers are doing. SEP again and they are ok - or maybe or can't strike.

In the past for similar reasons things have been done to encourage strikes. Same reason.
Was watching one those old British movies from the 70s, it was about someone who was being spied on.
The bloke who was doing the spying was sitting in a car pretending to read a newspaper, the headline in the newspaper read, 'Railworkers to take more industrial action'.
I thought to myself, nothing ever really changes.

One of Bob Hoskins early films was 'The National Health', made in 1973.

The plot is about 'overworked doctors and nurses doing their best to cope in a depressing and poorly-equipped National Health hospital.'
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