
11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I used to live with my dear old Granny in the early 70's. She began teaching me how to cook.

She never used to like stuffing the birds, nor the tray-baked variety, but used to roll stuffing mixture into balls, flatten them and fry them in butter.

To this day I do stuffing like this when doing a roast meal.

But I've never known anyone else do it this way.

Do you?
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Never crossed my mind to use ASDA's own. Will try that out - thanks :)
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I make to my Grandmothers recipe...Breadcrumbs (old bread) flour,herbs,milk,and an egg.And cook around the chicken...not in it.
we always used to stuff the bird for flavour 9both ways - to and from the bird and stuffing), and to keep the meat moist.

I never ate an "empty" bird until I was well into my 20's.
I used to live with my dear old Granny in the early 70's. She began teaching me how to cook.

She never used to like stuffing the birds, nor the tray-baked variety, but used to roll stuffing mixture into balls, flatten them and fry them in butter.

To this day I do stuffing like this when doing a roast meal.

But I've never known anyone else do it this way.

Do you?

My Mum taught me something similar, but baked rather than fried.


Rolled into balls, flatten them if you prefer, and then wrap in foil and bake in the oven. Stay nice and moist without that hard crust you get in most restaurants.
:rolleyes: jeez, have u heard yourselves?.....ever thought of a manly DIY.... :p .....whatever next.............poetry recitals???
:rolleyes: jeez, have u heard yourselves?.....ever thought of a manly DIY.... :p .....whatever next.............poetry recitals???

And whats wrong with men talking cooking? Christ! There's no pleasing you women!!! (Well there is but its not suitable for this web site, ;) )
:rolleyes: jeez, have u heard yourselves?.....ever thought of a manly DIY.... :p .....whatever next.............poetry recitals???

And whats wrong with men talking cooking? Christ! There's no pleasing you women!!! (Well there is but its not suitable for this web site, ;) )

well.......................where should i start?...

there was a man who liked cooking.......
I never ate an "empty" bird until I was well into my 20's.

TMI! :eek:

:rolleyes: jeez, have u heard yourselves?.....ever thought of a manly DIY.... :p .....whatever next.............poetry recitals???

I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden stuffing balls;
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