Tactical voting

The SNP need to hold there vote or increase there vote share other wise any potential independance ambition may go down the toilet ??

That would not be good ?
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IPSOS has published its first MRP for the election and it makes grim viewing for the Tory faithful:

In my constituency, it's rumoured that the unpopular Tory MP is going from door to door, not canvassing for votes, but trying to find someone to sign his leaving card
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I hear people moaning about pot-holed roads, collapsing school roofs, NHS waiting lists.

There might be some people willing to put up with a broken nation and pocket the pence.

Some people boast that they don't care.
But that would make them a 'tax dodger' in your books.
People that earn money whilst living in the UK but use loopholes or an ‘off shore’ excuse to avoid paying UK taxes, whilst benefitting from all of the tax paid utilities on offer i.e. roads, public spaces, NHS, fire service, police service etc.

I just call them [unts.
People that earn money whilst living in the UK but use loopholes or an ‘off shore’ excuse to avoid paying UK taxes, whilst benefitting from all of the tax paid utilities on offer i.e. roads, public spaces, NHS, fire service, police service etc.

I just call them [unts.
Blame the loophole, not the person.
Now we are getting there

Why do you think such loopholes exist? Are they for the average working tax payer?
I’m an average tax payer. I’ve used loopholes, haven’t you? Go and pay an accountant - he'll show you some, it’s their job.
It's always been a waste of time expecting any other result than a Tory victory in t'Peaks, so i cast my lot with Labour in a GE, just for laffs - not this time. The Greens have finally broadened their remit to include a host of policies in their manifesto that include wealth taxes, ditching university fees, renationalizing utility companies, and defending the National Health Service against “creeping privatization”. All of which were a part of Corbyn's pitch in 2019, but dropped by Keir Starmer, who's adopted a more acceptable tone to appease floating Tories.
They also say they'd abolish the two child welfare cap and scrap recently-issued oil and gas licenses...not that the Greens have any chance in Parliament but their aim to collect four seats will ensure their voice is heard and maintain a stance on environmental policies that Labour have discarded in their quest for power. Polling suggests the messaging may be working. One poll this week from YouGov put the Greens on eight percent of the vote. At the last general election, they achieved less than three percent.

In-depth polling from YouGov earlier this month put the Greens second behind Labour in around 10 seats. “That will then mean if things get bad for Labour … they could be in a position when you get by-elections, where you could see Greens picking up seats in the same way you saw UKIP and the Reform Party nipping at the heels of the Conservative Party. I think that's when they come into their own,” @Politico.com

It's becoming clear the political map of this country will change on July 4th, despite the Tories best efforts to swing things their way by redrawing the electoral districts it will not save them, even though inflation has fallen to its lowest level for two years.
Councils raise council tax and thanks to austerity nearly all are having problems.
LOL I suppose I should be fairer on that. The gov can dictate how much they go up by but then there is a need to consider the effect of the % they set. Degrees of problems range from going bust at some point down to running on reserves. So we have had unsustainable financial situations due to the level of previous increases. Equal pay costed a lot for all but budgets were cut drastically anyway. Now it seems the Tory have been asking them for ideas on increasing efficiency. That really needs doing before the cuts. Maybe they should have considered what increases various councils needed rather than blanket %'s. They have also played with business rates, It's hard to see what that will have done. It looks to favour councils that bring in higher levels when it was introduced. Not very levelling up.

Water is similar. An aspect mentioned in the news. Talk about fixing pollution. The companies say we need to increase prices. The gov says no so nothing happens. People get a picture of companies deliberately polluting this and that when in practice it's done if needed. ;) Libs oh we will introduce a super powerful water monitoring dept. Fine but where is the money to fix it going to come from? The Tory have interfered with the current monitoring lot. It sounded like mostly job cuts. Less frequent monitoring. All these groups could do is check that undesireable discharges only occur when needed.
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