yes, as you say, the rich nations get more than the poor.
not at all surprising.
But surely that applies to every product you may think of.
yes, as you say, the rich nations get more than the poor.
not at all surprising.
then let's hope we don't see people like trazor claiming that rich countries "need" better schools and hospitals, or safer water, or more vaccinations, than poor countries.
"need" doesn't come into it.
He who pays the piper. Also, wealthy countries have greater need and higher death rate because they usually have larger elderly populations.
I implied nothing of the sort.
Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies which have suffered more deaths, and thus require the vaccines first.
And non-wealthy nations have greater need because they have few hospitals with oxygen supplies, few ICUs, few medical staff, few ambulances....
It's not "need" that enabled rich nations to scoop early supplies of vaccines.
I don't feel any need to ask bobby.
Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination | Politics | News |
Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination plans
THE UK's largest teaching union was slammed for opposing plans to reopen schools by putting teachers higher in the priority list for vaccinations.
PUBLISHED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021
... as far as I can say but the National Education Union, the biggest teaching union, they’re opposed to it.
“I think they’re opposed to kids being taught anything I think that’s kinda their policy these days....
You can always rely on the far-right Express to give an an accurate and unbiased report about unions.Unions shamed
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Teachers have been taking the pis s since march 2020.
I say, vax them , meet their demand and get them back to work.
They're a bunch of alcoholic stroppy lazy bast@rds and they claim to be heroes.
One of them told me that they are in the most dangerous profession in UK...
Soldiers, emergency workers, sewage cleaners, police and everybody else is just a pussycat.
Be a hero, be a teacher!
What a load of boll@x!
pretty conclusive?...seemingly...
“...I think ... I think that’s kinda their policy these days...."
Mary Bousted, the NEU joint general-secretary, said in a statement last week: "We think that putting teachers and support staff through a vaccination programme with some priority is a good move
You can always rely on the far-right Express to give ...