Teachers getting the vaccine....more important workers than them should get it first.

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then let's hope we don't see people like trazor claiming that rich countries "need" better schools and hospitals, or safer water, or more vaccinations, than poor countries.

"need" doesn't come into it.
then let's hope we don't see people like trazor claiming that rich countries "need" better schools and hospitals, or safer water, or more vaccinations, than poor countries.

"need" doesn't come into it.

What a twisted response, I implied nothing of the sort.
He who pays the piper. Also, wealthy countries have greater need and higher death rate because they usually have larger elderly populations.

And non-wealthy nations have greater need because they have few hospitals with oxygen supplies, few ICUs, few medical staff, few ambulances....

It's not "need" that enabled rich nations to scoop early supplies of vaccines.

I implied nothing of the sort.

Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies which have suffered more deaths, and thus require the vaccines first.
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Well that’s the way it is and always has been

report on the news the other day about people paying 10 grand to fly to the emirates for a jab ??
Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination | Politics | News | Express.co.uk

Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination plans
THE UK's largest teaching union was slammed for opposing plans to reopen schools by putting teachers higher in the priority list for vaccinations.
PUBLISHED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021

Westminster has been pressured to vaccinate over a million teachers over the February half term in a bid to get schools open again. The National Education Union (NEU) is the largest teaching union in the country and was criticised for not only for opposing these plans but for seemingly doing all it could to prevent schools from opening again. The Government appears to be torn over whether plans should go-ahead, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying it would divert jabs from the most vulnerable while Cabinet Minister Michael Gove said he would back the move if science supported it.

TalkRADIO host Julia Hartley-Brewer spoke with Chair of the Education Select Committee Robert Halfon MP about vaccinating teachers and said: “Most of the teachers I’ve spoken to and have been contacted online say they don’t want to go ahead of other people.

“I’m quite happy for someone to have my vaccine in advance for a teacher if that means that schools can go back.
“But I don’t know if it (the plans) has any clinical validity it’s sort of a PR campaign as far as I can say but the National Education Union, the biggest teaching union, they’re opposed to it.
“I think they’re opposed to kids being taught anything I think that’s kinda their policy these days.

Mr Halfon replied: “Let’s make it clear, it’s hard to put one cohort of workers over another and the supermarket workers who have been working day and night throughout this pandemic, there is a significant case for them.
“My priority is to get the kids back and anything that I think will keep the schools open is worth it.

“But it is extraordinary that when a significant number of academy chains and independent schools come up with proposals to vaccinate teachers and support staff the National Education Union outright reject it out of hand.

“Everything they seem to do is oppose schools opening again and put obstacles in their way, and where are they in terms of talking about children’s mental health and academic attainment, their loss of learning and loss of earnings which we now know?

“Where are they in all these discussions? All they want to do is try and tell their members not to be at school and thank goodness most teaching staff are ignoring the edicts of the NEU and are doing their best to educate their kids.”

It was revealed last week a number of schools across the country offered to become vaccination hubs for teachers so they can get back into the classroom.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has also been pushing for teachers to get the jab over February half term which begins on February 15 for many schools.

However, the NEU has opposed the jab rollout for teachers saying schools should only be reopened if “safe to do so”.

Mary Bousted, the NEU joint general-secretary, said in a statement last week: "We think that putting teachers and support staff through a vaccination programme with some priority is a good move, but we've never said when that should happen and although that would protect teachers and support staff and make them more confident about being in schools, it won't stop community transmission."

Currently, only children of key workers and vulnerable children are allowed to go to school with many resorting to home learning.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies recently announced pupils would lose up to £40,000 worth of income over their lifetimes totalling £350billion.

They blame falling educational achievement and loss of vital skills as the cause for this loss.

In response, the Insitute calls for a cash injection from the Government to improve the provision of education across the country.
And non-wealthy nations have greater need because they have few hospitals with oxygen supplies, few ICUs, few medical staff, few ambulances....

It's not "need" that enabled rich nations to scoop early supplies of vaccines.

All countries with a high death rate should take priority, irrespective of wealth.

Any way, ask Bobby if your not sure, oh hang on a minute.
I don't feel any need to ask bobby.

Why don't you ask filly?
Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination | Politics | News | Express.co.uk

Schools reopening: Unions shamed over opposition to teachers' mass vaccination plans
THE UK's largest teaching union was slammed for opposing plans to reopen schools by putting teachers higher in the priority list for vaccinations.
PUBLISHED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:49, Mon, Feb 1, 2021

... as far as I can say but the National Education Union, the biggest teaching union, they’re opposed to it.
“I think they’re opposed to kids being taught anything I think that’s kinda their policy these days....

Fake news mate - it's just someone's opinion. I literally just google the NEU and found their proposals for getting schools open.


"We believe schools and colleges should only open when it's safe to do so

Part 1 – Safety in our schools and colleges

  1. Social distancing in schools and colleges.
  2. Limit numbers on site through rotas and remote education.
  3. Increase the use of face coverings and better ventilation.
  4. Education staff should be vaccinated as a priority.
  5. Specific support for SEND settings. "
Seems to be at odds with what you're posting/believing. hope that helps
Teachers have been taking the pis s since march 2020.
I say, vax them , meet their demand and get them back to work.
They're a bunch of alcoholic stroppy lazy bast@rds and they claim to be heroes.
One of them told me that they are in the most dangerous profession in UK...
Soldiers, emergency workers, sewage cleaners, police and everybody else is just a pussycat.
Be a hero, be a teacher!
What a load of boll@x!

I've sat here and read through this whole thread and you are right. It is a load of boll@x. What you post that is!

Do you have children/grand children of school age?
When was the last time you ventured into a school?
When was the last time you had any contact with a school?
Do you personally know any people in the teaching profession that you actually talk to on a face to face basis?
Do you base all your opinions of different people from reading various media outlets?

Since starting work in a college of further education, (students studying for higher GCSE's and A levels), I have seen the hours, and hard work, teachers and other staff put in in an effort to give EVERY student an equal chance of gaining a good qualification. Many of them arrive shortly after we open up at 7.00am and quite often we have to tell them it's time to leave at 6.00pm as we want/need to lock up and go home to our families. I've seen teachers take home bulging folders of work to mark/assess etc on a Friday evening and return on Monday morning with it completed. I've picked up group emails at night and over weekends between teaching staff, (all 'work related' communication has to go through the school server for traceability so even people not involved receive the information), discussing subjects, topics and various other related subjects. I've even come across teachers who will pay for equipment out of their own pocket because school funding couldn't stretch enough. One teacher bought a new Bosch jigsaw to bring in because one of her students needed to cut some perspex to a certain shape and we, the maintenance, didn't have one.

So until you work in an educational environment I don't think you can class all members of that establishment as lazy alcoholics who are enjoying their 12 months holiday.
You may say you are willing to go to work where you, may, pick up a bug or two but if you knew someone had an infectious condition you wouldn't go anywhere near them. As for your heroic deeds that you don't consider yourself to be a hero of, in my experience those that brag about doing heroic deeds very rarely, if ever, have done.

@kingandy2nd, total respect to your wife for everything she does and to you for supporting her.

“...I think ... I think that’s kinda their policy these days...."

Mary Bousted, the NEU joint general-secretary, said in a statement last week: "We think that putting teachers and support staff through a vaccination programme with some priority is a good move
pretty conclusive?
Teaching blimey we work and have worked in a few schools

the behaviour and general attitude
Of some of the pupils is IMO a disgrace teaching would not be a job I would want to do

how ever

plenty of people work there guts out 7 days a week

self employed plumbers for example and late nights answering various e mails pricing etc un paid as well

I had 2 call
Outs today

2 yesterday

jeez us I have sat in my own house freezing my way sits off because I have taken a part off of my boiler to
Get others up and running and they still whinged

you have to deal with stupid people mostly tenants who cannot change a battery

or use an on off room stat or understand that a gas boiler requires an electrical supply hence the boiler won’t work in a power cut
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