The best cooking thread

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Once the times have been perfected they. can be reproduced over and over. they are also much healthier than a standard Pizza
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apparantly if you do them in the air fryer you sprinkle the cheese on top after they have been in for 5 mins or the cheese will burn or melt away. If you do them in the oven then you put them in complete with he cheese already on. either way they are delicious and I cant tell the difference to a shop bought pizza
My wife is a health fanatic and a nutricionist whatever that is
I have lots of other really healthy recipes for losing weight being healthy as that is all she makes me, as I cannot cook myself you can imagine that I am the pinnacle of health and a really good example of how a man should look.
I had an English breakfast for lunch, thinking I was only getting a bacon roll! Nice.
I met a mate for a fry up late this morning.

It was epic. It’s a while since I’ve had a good breakfast cooked for me.
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