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Last and only time I tried to make a homemade pizza it was rank and went in the bin. I've made homemade onion bhajis before though and they were a triumph. Fresh onion bhajis are another level
try my recipe, I honestly cannot reccommend them high enough. I love them more than bought pizza
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ha ha, I still watch TV on a 12" portable B&W TV because I think colour TV's are dangerous and can affect your vision. I notice when I watch a colour TV that I come out in a rash so I wont watch one.
Are you being for real??

Wow, I don't like watching something on a black and white TV. Maybe I'm too advanced? lol
Last and only time I tried to make a homemade pizza it was rank and went in the bin. I've made homemade onion bhajis before though and they were a triumph. Fresh onion bhajis are another level

I've never had any success with home made pizza.
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