The biggest con of all time?

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom

Does someone want to explain the above?

So lets break it down. The simple message is economics. We put up interest rates, people spend less, yes they're fkin skint going without luxuries or basic quality food. Where does that money from hiked interest rates? To the banks 8 BILLION since 2023.

How about this for a solution, why doesn't a political party propose this instead.

  1. Public Banking System: Establish public banks that return profits to the community through dividends or reinvestment in public services.
  2. Interest Redistribution: Implement policies where interest payments on loans and mortgages are partially redirected to public funds for social programs, education, or infrastructure.
  3. Tax Reforms: Introduce progressive taxes on financial institutions’ profits and use these revenues to support public welfare programs.
  4. Regulatory Measures: Enforce regulations ensuring banks contribute a portion of their profits to public funds, promoting transparency and accountability.

Implementation Steps​

  1. Legislation: Enact laws to establish public banks and frameworks for interest redistribution.
  2. Public Awareness: Educate citizens about the benefits of a public banking system and how it can enhance economic fairness.
  3. Oversight: Create regulatory bodies to oversee the fair distribution of financial institution profits into public funds.
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Does someone want to explain the above?

So lets break it down. The simple message is economics. We put up interest rates, people spend less, yes they're fkin skint going without luxuries or basic quality food. Where does that money from hiked interest rates? To the banks 8 BILLION since 2023.

How about this for a solution, why doesn't a political party propose this instead.

  1. Public Banking System: Establish public banks that return profits to the community through dividends or reinvestment in public services.
  2. Interest Redistribution: Implement policies where interest payments on loans and mortgages are partially redirected to public funds for social programs, education, or infrastructure.
  3. Tax Reforms: Introduce progressive taxes on financial institutions’ profits and use these revenues to support public welfare programs.
  4. Regulatory Measures: Enforce regulations ensuring banks contribute a portion of their profits to public funds, promoting transparency and accountability.

Implementation Steps​

  1. Legislation: Enact laws to establish public banks and frameworks for interest redistribution.
  2. Public Awareness: Educate citizens about the benefits of a public banking system and how it can enhance economic fairness.
  3. Oversight: Create regulatory bodies to oversee the fair distribution of financial institution profits into public funds.
1. You've invented the building society, good work.
2. You've invented tax, good work.
3. You've invented windfall taxes, good work.
4. See 2.
1. You've invented the building society, good work.
2. You've invented tax, good work.
3. You've invented windfall taxes, good work.
4. See 2.

Let's see your good work in the form of a constructive post demonstrate where that 8 billion above goes back into the UK treasury. Oh you can't
Let's see your good work in the form of a constructive post demonstrate where that 8 billion above goes back into the UK treasury. Oh you can't
Of course it doesn't.

But the reason it doesn't isn't because we can't, it's because we chose not to do so. Vote Tory get Tories.
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Just wait untill Smear Karma gets in, then we will see some incompetence in action, as soon as the loony left get out of the cage!
Just wait untill Smear Karma gets in, then we will see some incompetence in action, as soon as the loony left get out of the cage!
Worse than what we've just had?

Not for a few years yet.

You do realise how bad this lot have been? Or are you saying you wanted more of the same?