I believe that the death penalty does have it's place, but obviously strictly monitored controls must be put in place to stop the government from just doing what it wants to "because it can".
The death penalty should only be used where the offender has been identified beyond all reasonable doubt, such as with the addition of dna/cctv evidence and has commited a major crime. Repeat offenders of minor crimes should also be executed (3 strikes and your out).
The world is far too over populated as it is and we could do with getting rid of some of the people that do not contribute positively to society. But not only will it help to get rid of some of the scum, it will also help as an effective deterrent to would be criminals.
It is very expensive to keep criminals in all inclusive holiday camps (sorry I mean prisons). Inmates should be made to work for their bed and board by doing their own laundry, cleaning, cooking etc and not allowed to just watch TV, play pool, drink alcohol and take drugs!
Prisons should be called rehabilitation centres and used only to help educate people and get them back on the right track when they have committed more minor crimes.
Confirmed murderers, rapists and terrorist bombers etc should just be eliminated. Otherwise when they are reintroduced into society, they are highly likely to re-offend, targetting the innocent law abiding public.