The death penalty.

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I think BAS is having a breakdown.

Oh goody, can I watch? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Seriously though, the vitriol aimed at you, was nothing that he hasn't already aimed at others who hold different views to his. So perhaps it's an ongoing breakdown. Commonly known as lunacy.
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Magawatt is lobbying for the death penalty as he knows it will be needed quite shortly when 10,000,000 or so Roma gypsies enter the country.
Not at all, they are all going to come and work for me.
Seriously though, the vitriol aimed at you, was nothing that he hasn't already aimed at others who hold different views to his. So perhaps it's an ongoing breakdown. Commonly known as lunacy.
I don't recall him being so vitriolic last time round ... Perhaps its not really him at all and Admin have drafted some crazy man in to take over his username :LOL:

Either way he's tap tap curly wurly cuckoo now all right and no mistake :eek:

Would bas aim this vitriol to someone in real life and not over the interweb ?.
I don't think so. He would be decked in a very short space of time. :rolleyes:
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And I'd be the very man to do it ... I'm very skilled at building decks :LOL:
Oh dear............ dunno what your issue is, BAS, but I don't think that anyone's comments were that scandalous............. apart from what you have just said then.

Again, dunno whether this is a wind-up, or maybe your 15 year-old has got on the laptop while you're away sunning yourself or something, but the only words to have got me wound up whilst reading are yours.
I'm more interested, though, in why BAS feels the need to crush everyones thoughts about capital punishment, and be so vehement in his abuse, when all they are is thoughts ?
I wonder if you'd be so ready to defend a homicidal paedophile if he came here and described his thoughts on what he'd like to do to the toddler that lives next door to him?
BAS took some time out a while back and I think it's time he took some more because the pills are quite clearly not working
I think BAS is having a breakdown.
Seriously though, the vitriol aimed at you, was nothing that he hasn't already aimed at others who hold different views to his. So perhaps it's an ongoing breakdown. Commonly known as lunacy.
Either way he's tap tap curly wurly cuckoo now all right and no mistake :eek:
Oh yeah - you'd love it wouldn't you, if you could dismiss all criticism of your violent personalities as madness.

You're a bunch of sick little perverts.
BTW - if you'd like to stop that **** megawatt from personally abusing my sensitivities, and personally abusing the reputation of this country, and personally abusing the whole concept of humanity and decency, then I'll stop being revolted by him, won't I?

So, you percieve the reputation of this country as more important than the state it's in do you? Most people are revolted that they can't feel safe walking the streets. Most people are revolted that they have to work hard to pay taxes and earn a living, while all manner of shiftless workshy gobsh*tes are pandered to and kept in relative ease, and mass immigration is encouraged to fill the jobs that can't be filled. etc. etc. etc.
Oh dear............ dunno what your issue is, BAS, but I don't think that anyone's comments were that scandalous............. apart from what you have just said then.
So saying you want to kill and torture people isn't scandalous, but expressing revulsion at people who want to kill and torture is?

Again, dunno whether this is a wind-up, or maybe your 15 year-old has got on the laptop while you're away sunning yourself or something, but the only words to have got me wound up whilst reading are yours.
So you don't get wound up by people saying they want to kill and torture other people, but you do get wound up by honest disgust at the thought of killing and torturing?
it would be a Utopian mindset if we could all live together in peace and harmony, helping our fellow man, but you show me a period in history where there wasn't conflict and wrongdoing. And where there is this, there will always be retribution. It is in the human nature to defend against whatever they may feel to be wrong, whether their own personal views are "right" or "wrong".

And where you have this, you will eventually have some form of war, on a small, (neighbourly), or large, (any present conflict) scale. You won't stop it, BAS, and neither will I.
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