The first

Ah ha her name is Tarena shakil

now if you would care to google in woman’s Hour content today ;)

it will come up

it’s not rocket science :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

mind you it probably is to Noseall
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Possibly another victim, being treated like a criminal. Churches and the like can be very persuasive. Our young men used to march all the way to the middle east to die for our church.

Got a link to the story, I can't find anything about it?

tarrena shakil

google in woman’s hour content today

you might even be able to listen to the interview via there pod cast ??

first person afaik that was banged up coming back to the uk from Syria ????
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Girl / woman ( serena ?) who went out to Syria to join isis has spoken about it in an interview on woman’s hour
Ah ha her name is Tarena shakil
So transam half-listens to the radio, he half hears something that is, in his opinion, worth spreading around because it suits his usual narrative. Then when questioned about the validity of his recollection, he realises he's made at least one mistake, which he admits to.
We'll never know how much more of his recollection is coloured by his bigotry, and maybe even he won't realise.
Then he has the audacity to suggest someone else complains to the BBC for his poor recollection, coloured by his bigotry.
well any one who has a grievance about the subject can take it up with the BBC
You couldn't make it up. But transam does!

A classic example of bigoted narrative intertwined with a sprinkling of truth.
Transam's usual MO.
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