Already discussed at length in this thread.
but never actually seen.
Already discussed at length in this thread.
Are you saying that the rules from 2014 are still in force, unchanged?
It appears to be a lot easier for EU vessels to obtain a licence to fish in UK waters than it does a British vessel, in fact, no new licences are being issued at all for British vessels.
Fishing vessel licence requirements - GOV.UK (
Your comparison of EU vessels finding it easier in obtaining a licence is based on what? The fact that UK is not issuing new licences to UK vessels?In respect of licensing, Yes, they're still not issuing new licences, you have to buy an 'entitlement' which is basically an existing licence, either tied to a vessel, from a vessel that has sunk or a vessel that no longer fishes.
How to Get a Fishing Vessels Licence (Up to 10 Metres) in UK (
Fillyboy hasn't a clue what he's on about:
If your vessel is registered in the UK
from filllyboy's link.
It appears to be a lot easier for EU vessels to obtain a licence to fish in UK waters than it does a British vessel, in fact, no new licences are being issued at all for British vessels.
Fishing vessel licence requirements - GOV.UK (
And you assumed from that it is easier for EU vessels to obtain a licence?I clearly referenced the difficulty of British boats obtaining a licence to fish in UK waters, so yes, obviously they would be registered in the UK.
853 migrants came across the channel on Wednesday a record apparently ?
blimey the French must be supplying them with bigger boats ?
( Le stupid Englanders )Now we are not part of the EU , it is our responsibility to protect our borders , this is solving France`s problem , they must be more than happy to allow the migrants to cross the Channel
No, it coincides with good weather.The up surge in migrants coincides with this fishing and submarine spat
"Sefcovic took to the pages of the Daily Telegraph to say he was “increasingly concerned” that Frost will “refuse to engage” with the EU Commission’s offer to try and reduce checks on the Irish Sea border created by the Northern Ireland deal.
At the same time Frost continues to protest that the deal that he himself negotiated is unfair"
Oven ready deal, eh?
No, it coincides with good weather.
I bought some French apples today despite the certainty those cunning Gallic apple trees absorbed some CO2 gas breathed out by the Brits over the channel.