The French

Indeed. Also, a quick scan of any reputable news source will confirm er, nothing. Revocation of A16 is reported in invisible ink.
I find it irritating that pretty much the whole media is reporting it as “UK govt may suspend protocol by triggering A16”…..which is completely untrue.

this country has a terribly lazy media.
It's very fishy how Sturgeon and the old trouts in the SNP are very quiet about their trawler being captured.

Maybe they know that they were breaking rules, so keeping out of it?
Boris Buffoon wants France to retaliate, it’s just another right populist strategy…..

the basic idea is….you keep behaving like a total tw@t, the other side takes retaliatory measures, then Tory govt get their base rallying around.

Tory govt does the same thing against the Labour Party.
Indeed. Also, a quick scan of any reputable news source will confirm er, nothing. Revocation of A16 is reported in invisible ink.
Also a quick scan of reputable news sources will show that the boat might have had a licence but it was missed off the list given to EU by UK, or it didn't have a licence.

"Mr Eustice said the detained trawler had been granted a licence at the beginning of the year and the government was "trying to get to the bottom" of why it had subsequently been taken off the list given to the European Union.

He said the boat may have made some changes to its engine which meant the licence had to be renewed.

Andrew Brown, from the boat's owners Macduff Shellfish, said: "We don't know where the error of interpretation of the licence lies, that will take some time to fix."

Now if that had been an unlicensed car on the road..........
And I repeat…..article 16 does not revoke protocol.
Invoking article 16 leads to new negotiations to find a solution acceptable to both sides, in effect a renegotiation in all but name.
These negotiations could last for years without any resolution.
why do brexers fall for this posturing sabre rattling sh1t

It’s fodder to excite the base, that’s all it is.

And anybody informed would know A16 cannot and will not suspend or revoke the protocol.

Brexit supporters that keep screaming “we want A16” could stop embarrassing themselves by reading A16 and annex 7
Most of these protocol checks have been suspended anyway.
Why do want you want this protocol enforced Notch? when you know it could cause severe disruption to business and society.
Invoking article 16 leads to new negotiations to find a solution acceptable to both sides, in effect a renegotiation in all but name.
These negotiations could last for years without any resolution.
Only in so far as the limited aspect at issue:
"As unilateral action under Article 16 is required to be specific and limited only to the aspect(s) of the Protocol at fault, all other aspects of the Protocol will remain in place throughout."
It does not affect the Protocol in any other areas.
Most of these protocol checks have been suspended anyway.
Why do want you want this protocol enforced Notch? when you know it could cause severe disruption to business and society.
The Protocol is continuing to find acceptance in NI.
Invoking article 16 leads to new negotiations to find a solution acceptable to both sides, in effect a renegotiation in all but name.
These negotiations could last for years without any resolution.

It is not a renegotiation of the protocol at all.

“The text of Article 16 says any measures should be restricted in both scope and duration and limited to what is "strictly necessary" in order to solve the problems.

Additionally, it says that priority shall be given to measures that will "least disturb" the functioning of the protocol.

Negotiations would continue, with any safeguards being jointly reviewed every three months with a view to their abolition or limitation”
Most of these protocol checks have been suspended anyway.
Why do want you want this protocol enforced Notch? when you know it could cause severe disruption to business and society.

they haven’t been suspended….UK has unilaterally extended the grace period.

Why ask me? You voted for Johnson and his deal, it’s what you chose, it’s what you wanted.
Why ask me? You voted for Johnson and his deal, it’s what you chose, it’s what you wanted
You know what you are saying is untrue.
This Irish sea border wasn't an option on the ballot paper.
You and your fellow remain/rejoiner mob are responsible for this debacle.
If you had of accepted the result of the referendum, this crisis could have been avoided.