The genie is out of the bottle...

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Gas is pretending that he doesn't understand that, if 1% of COVID first infections are fatal and if we did nothing to prevent it spreading then everyone would catch it eventually then 700,000 or so would have died.
He might be talking about a different country, I don't really know.

I assumed the UK.
yep you assumed the UK and got it totally wrong or chose to lie and say 700,000
i would say just totally wrong as per usual
yep you assumed the UK and got it totally wrong or chose to lie and say 700,000
i would say just totally wrong as per usual
1% of people (that was the claim) in the UK is around 700,000.

If he meant something else he should have said so.
Gas is pretending that he doesn't understand that, if 1% of COVID first infections are fatal and if we did nothing to prevent it spreading then everyone would catch it eventually then 700,000 or so would have died.
are you seriously saying the entire population of the UK would get it ?
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