The Next General Election

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Does that mean he'll shutdown all this nonsense about gender appropriation.
Will he alter the school curriculum to let children grow up to be children again instead of having their heads turned by identifying which sexual deviant they might be?
School curriculums don't tell children what to be, never have, its a myth put about about by right wingers to stoke culture wars. There is a grown up debate to be had though.

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I always thought that Keir was fence sitting, but as in the OP, Keir has to be careful to not provide ludicrous allegations to the aggressive and disingenuous Tories.
Imagine the allegations that the likes of Lee Anderson will come out with.
Such as that Vinty has already started.
Lee Andersen will be history after the next election, his electorate are classic red wall swing voters, having had labour in power for decades.

Its not mine to start, I don't care if a biological man says he's a woman, I do care if he goes in the wrong changing rooms.

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Its not mine to start, I don't care if a biological man says he's a woman, I do care if he goes in the wrong changing rooms.

I agree.

But, if a man is dressed as a woman, and potentially looks like a woman, how do you actually know?
Its not mine to start, I don't care if a biological man says he's a woman, I do care if he goes in the wrong changing rooms.


I agree.

But, if a man is dressed as a woman, and potentially looks like a woman, how do you actually know?
Can we stop conflating genuine trans-sexuals and non-binary people with sex criminals.
The difference is obvious:
Sex criminals (criminals of all sorts) are devious and will don any disguise in order to perpetrate their crimes.
Genuine trans-sexuals and non-binary are what they claim to be, and are no more prone to commit crimes of any sort than the average Joe Public.

I agree that there is a real danger of criminals entering toilets, hospital wards, care homes, Churches, childrens' homes, etc to commit crimes.
There is a limit on the restrictions and checks we can subject people to, in order to allow them entrance. Criminals will seek to circumvent any checks and restrictions.

But let us please avoid the obvious conflation and subsequent implication that all trans-sexuals and non-binary must be deviants.
Since the next GE will be contested on the governments woeful economic record, with a dash of NHS stats to season the stew, then the whole trans-rights story is a non sequiter. Nobody will ever vote in a government for promoting the rights of a dude in a dress over hardworking families and Party donors.
Since the next GE will be contested on the governments woeful economic record, with a dash of NHS stats to season the stew, then the whole trans-rights story is a non sequiter. Nobody will ever vote in a government for promoting the rights of a dude in a dress over hardworking families and Party donors.
Which is why Starmer in particular and politicians in general are avoiding any public debate over the issues, in order to not provide the opposition with false and wild allegations.
I'm not all that fussed now that the Brexer scumbag liars have driven themseves into extinction.
Glad to see any political party, that isn't attending Parliament and passing laws, simply to make themselves and wealthy chums, richer.
I agree.

But, if a man is dressed as a woman, and potentially looks like a woman, how do you actually know?

If, for example, it is a male weight lifter hoping to win a Olympic gold in the women's competition, verification of sex is quite normal.

If it is a well-known male politician, hoping to leapfrog to power by putting himself forward for a women-only shortlist, his early life is probably well-known.

If it is a male campaigner hoping to take leadership of a women's rights committee, he may already be notorious.

What if it is a man exposing his penis in a women's changing room? Or just ogling the girls?

What if it is a male with convictions for sexual offences against women, hoping to get a job in a girls' boarding school? Or a women's prison? Should you take his word for it? Or does the selection board have a duty of care?
I agree.

But, if a man is dressed as a woman, and potentially looks like a woman, how do you actually know?

If he has a cock and balls, that's a clue.

If he's a rapist, that's more than a clue.


Agree with all that.

But if a man, appears as and dreses as a woman and goes to toilet for toilet only, then how does anybody know.

Certain jobs, and criminal activities is obviously different
That's not the question you asked. We should deal with the problem issues. Those are the matters of serious concern.
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