The NHS does not belong to doctors.

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That’s one of the weaknesses of the system. My wife used to work in a GP practice and they were pretty hot on accepting new patients and always demanded proof of entitlement. Other GP's weren’t. If a person from a country that is not entitled to free NHS treatment is accepted onto a GP's books, a NHS number is automatically generated. That number is valid for life. They can then come to the UK anytime from their home country and receive thousands of pounds worth of medical treatment for just the price of an airfare.

Hmmm. Wrong on a few things.

They dont just generate an NHS number on the fly. GPs have to check their books annually to see if patients have not died etc

You make it out as if a person on holiday can get registered at a GP, they cant.
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"lots off assumptions there ???"

None of the above are assumptions. What would it take to convince you? An affidavit? I've told you how I know. You can choose whether to believe it or not, I don’t care.
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You make it out as if a person on holiday can get registered at a GP, they cant.
They can and they do.

"Therefore all asylum seekers and refugees, overseas visitors, students, people on work visas and those who are homeless., overseas visitors, whether lawfully in the UK or not, are eligible to register with a GP practice even if those visitors are not eligible for secondary care (hospital care) services."

Taken from here:
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Health tourists they’re called and they are costing the NHS, ultimately paid for by us, millions of pounds.
0.3% of the NHS budget at worst actually, and much of that is our own 'ex pats' popping back for treatment...

And how much do those 'ex-pats' cost health services abroad?

Get your facts right before pushing your agenda!
motman doesn't like foreigners, or people who speak different languages, or people who wear different clothes.

He ignores the fact that immigrants pay more in taxes and NI than they take out.

Most of the load on the NHS is our increasingly aged population and their numerous costly ailments. Motman ignores this.

He also ignores the fact that our government is more excited by the idea of giving tax cuts to the rich, and not interested in spending tax revenues on public services in accordance with need.

Motman made the mistake of being in business in a district which for hundreds of years has had a fluid immigrant population, and then he complains that immigrants live there.

Tell us, motman, when the Blackshirts tried to march through the East End, which side was your grandfather on?
Not a lot if they keep popping back for their treatment, like you say.
Let's take Spain for example...

"The Spanish health system guarantees emergency care to everyone, even if they are not EU citizens."

Just the same as the NHS does, which the OP (and others) take exception to!

Do you object to human beings being treated for emergency health issues regardless of their origin?

The access to other procedures varies, so 'ex pats' can pop back for a bit of chemo etc when it suits :)

PS. They're not really 'ex-pats' - they're migrants/immigrants!
No he isn't, he is very far wrong from being even close to reasonable.

Next time you need the help of a Doctor make sure you are carrying full documentation of your right to treatment on the NHS.

Have you got nothing better to do than insult. Your obviously not a happy man. And for that I'm sorry but there in no need for that

You think we should treat every Tom Dick and Harriet. ?

Emergency I agree with but why should we be paying. It limits the service and increases waiting times for those who have paid.
They can and they do.

"Therefore all asylum seekers and refugees, overseas visitors, students, people on work visas and those who are homeless., overseas visitors, whether lawfully in the UK or not, are eligible to register with a GP practice even if those visitors are not eligible for secondary care (hospital care) services."

Taken from here:

Lol and you miss the part that any secondary care will be assessed for payment.

GPs get paid about 150 per patient per year. These temporary registrations are used because seeing a GP is way way cheaper than walking into A&E.

Eligible to register, sure and the GP can deny registration.

You are an engineer yet when it comes to economic and social issues you drop all logic.
Emergency I agree with but why should we be paying. It limits the service and increases waiting times for those who have paid.
0.3% of the budget is 'limiting the service'?

And what about our indigenous lot who have only taken from the system as opposed to having paid in?

Do you blame them for increased waiting times?
In round terms health tourism costs the NHS £100m

Diabetes costs the NHS £10b

Or put it another way, health tourism has cost a fraction of the cost of preparations for Brexit.

Anybody concerned about the money lost on health tourism perhaps should be more concerned by the much larger cost of Brexit.
You make it out as if a person on holiday can get registered at a GP, they cant.

Eligible to register, sure.......

You know, there are some people who you couldn’t convince that you had a hole in your arse even if you stood over them and shat on them.

I’m done with this thread, once the flat earth society gang up it’s finished. Bye.
And what about our indigenous lot who have only taken from the system as opposed to having paid in?

Do you blame them for increased waiting times?

Every country has to look after its people. Rich or poor.

Your Golf club you keep telling us about with the high green fees.
Would you mind having to tee off and hour late because the 4 fellas in front of you are very poor golfers who don't pay for their membership.
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