megawatt said:
Not at all I just don't, as you expect, agree with much of what you have to say and you don't react well to people who don't share your point of view.
I actually don't give a rats ass if you agree or disagree with me, but as yet all you have done is make silly comments. Ellal and a few others do not feel comfortable with the ID card system, but they justify their objections with thought out comments, perhaps when you do this you and I may not have these exchanges..just a thought.
megawatt said:
What i meant was that in countries that operate an ID card system that is backed up with proper computer databases this system has been used as an example for lower incidence of certain types of crime.
Where on Earth are you getting all this from?
Please provide references to substantiate this outrageous claim.
Please explain why you feel this is an outrageous claim? The NEW passport system that has been introduced is the first step along the road to a truly integrated system in the Industrialised world and for nearly all countries outside that to0, as most have adopted this standard. This IS reducing the ability of forgers to create counterfeit passports and other travel documents reliant on that database. We, in the UK, only use it for the new passport scheme as yet. If you reduce the amount of fake passports, then you reduce the crime that is reliant on the use of these passports for certain activities, such as opening dodgy bank accounts.
Obviously this is not an overnight solution, it will take years for all the old type passports to go out of circulation, and until that happens there will still be scope for forgers. Further, some nations have chose not to introduce the new measures, or not yet in some cases, and thus they allow forgers scope of operations.
As I said before, no one measure is in itself a solution, and I am not saying that the current proposals on the table are the best we can get or even acceptable to me, let alone you, but unless this is discussed and workable solutions found that satisfy the security measures, do not infringe upon our civil liberties beyond what we find acceptable and is able to demonstrate visible gains within a set period of time, and the legislation used to create the system is itself time limited and then revued by the public, by referendum, after a set period of time, then the situation in this country will not improve, it will sink further into the mire.