Can you tell me where the 'blueprint' for this plan is?..All the main protagonists quote others as the reason they have to bring in the measures that they are. The UK says that it has to include fingerprints because the EU says so (untrue - the only biometric required is a digitised photo) and that we need them because of the requirements of the US (also untrue). The US is trying to push 'Real ID' because of what's happening over here!Stulz said:The NEW passport system that has been introduced is the first step along the road to a truly integrated system in the Industrialised world and for nearly all countries outside that to0, as most have adopted this standard. This IS reducing the ability of forgers to create counterfeit passports and other travel documents reliant on that database. We, in the UK, only use it for the new passport scheme as yet. If you reduce the amount of fake passports, then you reduce the crime that is reliant on the use of these passports for certain activities, such as opening dodgy bank accounts.
But nowhere does it say we need ID cards and the database behind it!
Either there is a 'masterplan', or it's just a muddle..although I happen to think, despite the elements of 'control', it's also a way of getting some very big companies some huge contracts - and at the moment the UK is beginning to look like the 'shop front' for these technologies.
And of course the 'foot soldiers' get rewarded - any coincidence that Blunkett now has a nice cushy job at a firm in the running for ID contracts?...
The measures may reduce forged documents (in the short term), but after that 'cloned' passports/ID cards will be easier to produce, and they IMO will be far more valuable because of the reasons I have given earlier - better to have one 'trusted' forgery than many not so trusted ones!