This looks set to escalate.

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Firing CIWS, sending up fighters and vipers costs a sh*t load of money. The Hothis have been warned that strikes may occur. They seem to be doing just enough to be a PITA, but not enough to attract air strikes.
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HMS Diamond will need a sister ship of same type to rotate tasking as she only has a fixed number of very expensive surface to air missiles embarked, which can only be replenished alongside. Resource/logistics management of naval assets will be critical if the bad guys continue to launch hordes of cheap drones against them.
Worth every penny though.
HMS Diamond shot down seven of the Houthi drones using its guns and Sea Viper missiles, each costing more than £1m ($1.3m), a defence source said.

And how long can we afford that do you think? What with every thing else being cut back.

Oh and a drone costs them about £17, 000.
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HMS Diamond will need a sister ship of same type to rotate tasking as she only has a fixed number of very expensive surface to air missiles embarked, which can only be replenished alongside. Resource/logistics management of naval assets will be critical if the bad guys continue to launch hordes of cheap drones against them.
For info, HMS Duncan, her sister ship T45 destroyer is currently been shown on the TV series 'Warship Life At Sea' on channel 5Action.
It shows her operating in the Black Sea a couple of years ago before the Russians invaded Ukraine.
more poking the lion with a stick
It's not about any conflict between USA/UK and the Houthis, it's about protesting at the indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza.
And that protest is aimed at stopping the shipping passing through the Suez, especially any shipping relevant to Israel.
Just the occasional attack is sufficient to re-route the majority of the shipping around the Cape.

Any demonising of Iran for supporting the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbullah, etc, is no different to USA/UK supporting Israel, Saudi Arabia, et al.
It's proganda and as such it's subject to Confirmation Bias.
It's just proxy wars by larger nations. Obviously westerners are subjected to western propaganda, and Iranians, etc subjected to Iranian propaganda.
It's governments, men in grey suits, who never fight, probably very few have ever seen active service, who cause and prolong these conflicts, where the plebeians suffer the casualties.
It's not about any conflict between USA/UK and the Houthis, it's about protesting at the indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza.
And that protest is aimed at stopping the shipping passing through the Suez, especially any shipping relevant to Israel.
Just the occasional attack is sufficient to re-route the majority of the shipping around the Cape.

Any demonising of Iran for supporting the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbullah, etc, is no different to USA/UK supporting Israel, Saudi Arabia, et al.
It's proganda and as such it's subject to Confirmation Bias.
It's just proxy wars by larger nations. Obviously westerners are subjected to western propaganda, and Iranians, etc subjected to Iranian propaganda.
It's governments, men in grey suits, who never fight, probably very few have ever seen active service, who cause and prolong these conflicts, where the plebeians suffer the casualties.
Do you really believe this or are you just proposing the opposite opinion?

- Most of the ships being attacked are not linked to Isreal
- The Houthis were deliberately keeping their attacks under the level to provoke a response
- This is nothing more than Iran attacking the west by proxy. But it will be Houthis who are dying.
- The swam attack was a direct finger up to western threats to cease.
Do you really believe this or are you just proposing the opposite opinion?
I'm just proposing my opinion which I think is a genuine opinion. Just because it's opposite of your opinion does not indicate it's wrong, nor that I don't really believe it.:rolleyes:

- Most of the ships being attacked are not linked to Isreal
Who said that most of the ships being attacked are linked to Israel?
I've already dealt with that. :rolleyes:

- The Houthis were deliberately keeping their attacks under the level to provoke a response
Which will still achieve their aim of protesting about Israel killing Palestinians.
I've already dealt with that. :rolleyes:

- This is nothing more than Iran attacking the west by proxy. But it will be Houthis who are dying.
The west is attacking the Arabs by proxy. I've already deat with that. :rolleyes:
But it won't be risk free for the west, nor cheap. It'll cost the west a lot more than it'll cost Iran.
The west will have to go into overdrive to keep up with the current level of defence.

- The swam attack was a direct finger up to western threats to cease.
What's 'the swam attack'?
I don't thinlk I've covered that yet.
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