Big Tone, don't confuse the religious establishment with God. It's 2 different things entirely. Just because some misguided church folks did something several hundred years ago that we can now judge to be wrong and grossly ignorant in the light of our current knowledge doesn't mean that there is no basis for a life of faith today. One should always be wary when viewing historical acts through the lens of modernity, since it will always colour the scene.....
Faith and science will always be a distance apart. Science needs absolutes in order to base its theories on. Faith by definition cannot exist where only absolutes are found, since faith is the reliance on the unproven.
Back to the original question :- Ban religion? Sure, why not. A ban enforced by the state presumably, since it can hardly be enforced by the Church (of whatever denomination or religion). And what would be the next thing the state would tell us not to think, eh?
1984, anyone?
Faith and science will always be a distance apart. Science needs absolutes in order to base its theories on. Faith by definition cannot exist where only absolutes are found, since faith is the reliance on the unproven.
Back to the original question :- Ban religion? Sure, why not. A ban enforced by the state presumably, since it can hardly be enforced by the Church (of whatever denomination or religion). And what would be the next thing the state would tell us not to think, eh?
1984, anyone?