Traditionally best builders? White British? Sikh? Polish? Irish

In my experience its the trades who work for the builder who make the job. If the builder has good contacts, you'll get a decent job no matter how crap he is, as the guys working for him will know what to do. If he's good and his contacts are rubbish, you'll get rubbish.

The best builder I ever had looked like he'd been dug up from his grave after 6 months. Worse guy was a public school educated articulate chap who's subs would struggle to know what to do with a banana.
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Has anyone seen a Chinese/Japanese/Oriental type builder? I haven't. Ever.

I see lots walking around town, but obviously they don't like building. I wonder who builds their houses back home.
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tradiationally is there a particular culture you would have to build?

I find white British good quality and knock the work up quick and good quality - but can be pricey.

Sikhs(who are well known in the trade- give better value but can sometimes drag the job on and be unreliable.

Polish are improving.

Jamaicans / are best skimmers


Just total rubbish. How can anyone in their right mind make such broad generalisation about a whole group of people?

Are you just trying to stir sh1t up or something ?
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I do feel that if one of the regulars had asked such a question, then the usual pair (or three if not banned at the time)
would have quickly been spouting their usual rhetoric.
Just total rubbish. How can anyone in their right mind make such broad generalisation about a whole group of people?

Because its true. Certain people do certain things.

Who tarmaced the UK and put most of the drains in?
roadbuilders and drainlayers.

Some of them economic migrants.
There is no correlation, either way, between being an Economic Migrant and being a Grafter or a Sponger.
You can be an Economic Migrant and a Grafter or a Sponger;

You can be a Native Born and a Grafter or a Sponger.

There is no correlation either way.
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