Traditionally best builders? White British? Sikh? Polish? Irish

When my comments deserve the praise of the likes of ihatemyjob, blightymam, Mitch, et al, I will know it is time to seek other company.

He gets praise because he's funny and quick witted.

Your comments will never get the praises you're after Himmy, we all know you want it so badly. Try
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He gets praise because he's funny and quick witted.
and I thought it was his crass vulgarity (and that of others) that earned your praise. When I am reduced to such homophobic and incestuous vulgarity to earn praise, I will have been dragged down to your and their level.
Perhaps social mobility for you and your foul-mouthed chums is aspiring to reach gutter level.

While we are at it, as you and bragidear seem to delight in addressing me in some peculiar terms, I will be addressing you as mightyblab in future. Both corrupted terms seem appropriate.
and I thought it was his crass vulgarity (and that of others) that earned your praise. When I am reduced to such homophobic and incestuous vulgarity to earn praise, I will have been dragged down to your and their level.
Perhaps social mobility for you and your foul-mouthed chums is aspiring to reach gutter level.

While we are at it, as you and bragidear seem to delight in addressing me in some peculiar terms, I will be addressing you as mightyblab in future. Both corrupted terms seem appropriate.

You really do bore more than a longhorn beetle working for BP.

So back OT, what trade to you align with? Carpentry, bricklaying, tunnelling, form filling, curtain twitching, paint drying watching?
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What's up? Exhausted your repertoire of homophobic vulgarity?

I assume, as a compiler of Homebuyers Reports, you will be familiar with longhorn beetles.
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I find Gingers are the best bricklayers, but don't meet them in the pub to pay them.
The mistake I did make was assuming you were a rational intelligent person.
I have revised my opinion.

So you keep saying, and keep saying, and keep saying, ad infinitum.
"It is not what we say that matters, it is our actions that determine who we are."
Exactly, ad infinitum. You keep saying that you think less of us etc etc, depending on who you are disagreeing with at the time. You really do think your opinion of us matters and that's a bit sad. It doesn't.
Exactly, ad infinitum. You keep saying that you think less of us etc etc, depending on who you are disagreeing with at the time. You really do think your opinion of us matters and that's a bit sad. It doesn't.
You are misunderstanding me!
You evidently support the messenger irrespective of the message. That is fine by me. In fact, I am extremely happy that I do not have your support. If I did, it might indicate that my comments were full of bigoted obscenities. So thank you for your lack of support. It really does mean a lot to me.

Incidentally, while you are making your fatuous allegations, where have I complained about who you are thanking. I have made it obvious that I am extremely pleased that I do not have your support.
You are misunderstanding me!
You evidently support the messenger irrespective of the message. That is fine by me. In fact, I am extremely happy that I do not have your support. If I did, it might indicate that my comments were full of bigoted obscenities. So thank you for your lack of support. It really does mean a lot to me.

Incidentally, while you are making your fatuous allegations, where have I complained about who you are thanking. I have made it obvious that I am extremely pleased that I do not have your support.
Oh Himmy, get a new hobby will you? It's obviously not good for your state of mind being here.
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