Travel? Perfectly clear.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The government denies being confused, contradicting itself and sending mixed messages.

Understand now?
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It's almost as clear as the criteria for putting some countries in "red" and some in "amber"

Pure whim

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But when will he stop infecting others, and no longer be a danger to the public?
How about just don’t travel

blimey tis a wonder some in here can actually go to the bathroom with out getting some type of government guidance :LOL:

don’t Kin travel abroad :idea:
Can I go home or should I get some government guidance :LOL:

how about what I have for my tea tonight :mrgreen:
I decided to have fish and chips

I looked on the web for government guidance as to what to have for my tea on a Wednesday but I found nowt :confused:

so I made my own decision with out guidance :cool:

I declined the offer of a french loaf in the chippy :sneaky:

and they were chips not F*****
I have three methods of travel to shops within the UK, car, bus or train. In the main before Colvid 19 I tried to use train, not that many passengers, slow speed limit of 15 MPH but pleasant way to travel behind an old steam loco. The bus is faster, but less frequent, but also less of a walk either end, but Welshpool end there was a shuttle bus station to town. And the car more expensive but fastest and most convenient. Although only 8 miles the hills mean at 70 the bike is not really an option for whole journey, but with the train I can take bike to Welshpool.

So with Colvid 19 clearly we want to use the car, but I became 70 so licence ran out, and it was non photo type and did not have passport, and as social distancing I could not get photo printed or signed by some one who knew me for 3 years as could not visit them. So until railway restarted so some one I knew for over 3 years could sign my photo I could not drive.

Neither could I use the railway, as it closed due to Colvid 19, only option was the bus, or getting daughter to do shopping for me, I used latter, but now the train is running still can't use it as it does not allow one to use the Welshpool station, I can travel to Welshpool and back, but can't get off the train, so car or bus, but this is where it makes no sense, the bus has no restriction as to where you sit, so you are in a rather confined area with other people not in your bubble, but the train carries passengers as bubbles, so one only mixes with people in your bubble.

Not tried to use main line train so not sure if carried on main line as bubbles, but see there is a problem where heritage railways are offering locals a service, as they are considered as tourism, and as a result the service to the local community has been lost. I do see much of the problem is because heritage railways rely on volunteer labour which during the pandemic has been in short supply, and the coal used could not be justified for carrying 5 or 6 locals to town, it needs a full train to be able to run without loosing money, however we don't need to book our travel with the bus service, if there is a seat we can use it, this situation seems wrong that the train can only carry 12 bubbles and they have to pre-book, but the bus if using the same rules would carry 2 bubbles, but it doesn't it carries people the same as before Colvid 19.

And still have not got a licence, I have applied and rule 88 seems to say now I have applied I can drive, well it says valid application and until I get the licence how do I know if it is a valid application? I assume it is, and am driving again, but the first time I applied I thought I had sent a valid application using the internet, only to get an on line application form through the post, which had to be posted back, I have not realised that using the postal service is considered as doing it on line, one lives and learns.
The travel confusion is further confused because some think that because a country is on the approved list, that that country automatically allows visitors from UK. That may not be the case.
A country can be on the UK approved list, but not allow visitors from UK.
Covid: Cardiff man, 81, denied Spanish holiday at airport
Did Keegan spend all day saying the same nonsense to different people?

First interview, maybe fair enough, but to repeat the same; what does she think she is doing?

Did Keegan spend all day saying the same nonsense to different people?

First interview, maybe fair enough, but to repeat the same; what does she think she is doing?

Stonking majority and a confused public - she can say whatever she likes - facts left the building ages ago.
Being confused probably features quite highly in these people's lives. Which bit is confusing? Perhaps we can help.
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