Trump is talking sense

I was on the left myself for much of my life until relevantly recently so I understand their thinking. It's how I used to see it. Then I woke up.
I just don’t buy it

You are using a technique commonly seen on social media like you tube comments and Twitter……it’s the “oh I used to believe xyx but now I’ve seen the light”

It’s a devious strategy used by trolls
Entitled but also victim thinking. There is a victim so there is an oppressor. They are the good guys so they are on the side of the victim. Trump is the bad guy so everybody who likes him or says anything positive about him is a bad guy also. It really is as childish as that. Black and white thinking. No grey areas. Having faith now has made a big difference to me, because where I was thinking I had to save the world and correct all the injustice, I just hand it over to the big man. Not that I think there is a big man in the sky but that I am not in control.
I have no faith myself in any religion. I do not believe there is a god as I have seen probably the worst of mankind in the military. I always think if there was a god, why would he let this suffering exist. Just believe in right and wrong, you know in your own heart the difference.
Entitled but also victim thinking. There is a victim so there is an oppressor. They are the good guys so they are on the side of the victim. Trump is the bad guy so everybody who likes him or says anything positive about him is a bad guy also. It really is as childish as that. Black and white thinking. No grey areas. Having faith now has made a big difference to me, because where I was thinking I had to save the world and correct all the injustice, I just hand it over to the big man. Not that I think there is a big man in the sky but that I am not in control. Interestingly, many of them are atheists.
It's always the same, religions make people come out with piffle like that. Makes them feel all entitled and superior because someone told them what to think. It seems to work as long as they don't look beyond their blinkers.
This guy here is another poster from last night who threatened me with the moderators. As you can see, he wants his pound of my flesh.
I don't want any flesh, diseased from you, or otherwise.
Why would you be threatened by the rules of the forum?
Evidently your self entitlement doesn't extend to an allowance to ignore them.
Trump is the bad guy so everybody who likes him or says anything positive about him is a bad guy also
Trump is morally corrupt, he is a liar, he is a childish bully.

Are those qualities you admire?