Trump is talking sense

I have no faith myself in any religion. I do not believe there is a god as I have seen probably the worst of mankind in the military. I always think if there was a god, why would he let this suffering exist. Just believe in right and wrong, you know in your own heart the difference.
Ironically, some folk have their faith strengthened in such circumstances - "If God is with us who can be against us." is a legend scribed around a tankard brought up from the wreck of the Mary Rose. "Gott mitt uns" was etched into the belt buckles of WWI German soldiers. Some British soldiers expressed surprise that "they look just like us" after meetiing the enemy in that conflict. Protestant priests were infamous for staying behind the lines; Catholic priests were legendary fighters in the front Irishman ripped off his dog collar and manned a machine gun in one instance i can think of - can't recall the battle though.

"There are no athiests in foxholes", was a famous motto of the Marine Corps in the Pacific. "Praise the Lord...and pass the ammo!"
Perhaps you disagree and think Trump is not the elected president of the U.S, the most powerful man on earth? Or perhaps you think that we do not need the U.S as an alliance? A weird outlook but I suppose typical of a fools view.
You are attempting to use a very silly strawman argument.

You are making yourself look silly, entirely your choice of course
Perhaps you disagree and think Trump is not the elected president of the U.S, the most powerful man on earth? Or perhaps you think that we do not need the U.S as an alliance? A weird outlook but I suppose typical of a fools view.
You know how you like to call me a troll?

And you know how I gave you the definition of a troll.

And you know how I explained that you were doing that to me?

You just did it again.


And by the way, I do not believe Trump is our ally at the moment.

Fighting tariff wise with us, the EU and Canada, making life difficult for Ukraine, that cringe-making public meeting with Zelenskyy and Trump and the other idiot, cosying up to Putin... Is he really our ally?
T has a helluva test now, parleying with Poots. P will want everything he has and a load more. One way T cold go with EU is to tell the EU to stop the F buyng gas from P.
LNG sales from P have been rising and rising. We are paying P to prosecute the war. Answer - buy LNG from the USA, they have been increasing their production capabilities. There are more decent ports for off-loading now in Holland (& Germany?)

P will want all of Ukraine one way or another. Elections in a while will put a puppet in. P will want to be paid as well, all the frozen monies back, all the minerals, all the sanctions taken off.
He has already demanded cessation of defense materiel from the US going to Z. T will put pressure on EU to stop supplying too. He may use tariffs against EU to force it.
EU needs its own version of Patriot. Germany has relaxed its fiscal policies so it will spend spend spend. France will dig heels in but is financially stuffed. Baltic states, Scandawegia, Poles and Czecks, Netherlands are clever, they could. Italy makes some good stuff too, from Leonardo. Then there's Turkey.
Oh and did I say drones?

WHat would I do if I were P? I'd say that I would blow up arms destined for Ukraine while they were still in Europe. He has precision mega-fast Kinjhal (?) missiles to do that. EU would run away.

I expect Trump to cave as soon as he can claim a win.
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I simply asked if you liked Muslims that live in the U.K., but you avoid answering.

Why can’t you answer?
We live in a free country, supposedly. We are all entitled to like or not like individuals and/or groups of people based on any criteria.

You might not like that because you live in Wokesville, reached on the Woke Express ... choo chooooo.
They do a good job washing the car too.
Don't know how they can do it in the winter though, they must be frozen near half to death.
Poor buggers.
I normally give them a 50p tip to cheer them up.