Ironically, some folk have their faith strengthened in such circumstances - "If God is with us who can be against us." is a legend scribed around a tankard brought up from the wreck of the Mary Rose. "Gott mitt uns" was etched into the belt buckles of WWI German soldiers. Some British soldiers expressed surprise that "they look just like us" after meetiing the enemy in that conflict. Protestant priests were infamous for staying behind the lines; Catholic priests were legendary fighters in the front Irishman ripped off his dog collar and manned a machine gun in one instance i can think of - can't recall the battle though.I have no faith myself in any religion. I do not believe there is a god as I have seen probably the worst of mankind in the military. I always think if there was a god, why would he let this suffering exist. Just believe in right and wrong, you know in your own heart the difference.
"There are no athiests in foxholes", was a famous motto of the Marine Corps in the Pacific. "Praise the Lord...and pass the ammo!"