Trump loses 20% of his net worth in a month

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The French ( scoundrels ) can never be trusted or relied upon when push comes to shove

Any European military plan for the defence of Europe will need to factor in the possibility of the French not turning up ?

Capitulating ?

Or actually fighting along side the invaders ?
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The French ( scoundrels ) can never be trusted or relied upon when push comes to shove

Any European military plan for the defence of Europe will need to factor in the possibility of the French not turning up ?

Capitulating ?

Or actually fighting along side the invaders ?
That would be the french that deserted and left NATO for decades
French Air Force bombed Gibraltar in ww2
Not entirely accurate. The Vichy French did

The first attack by the French occurred in retaliation for the British strike on the French at Mers-el-Kebir on 18th July 1940 but the majority of bombs were dropped short – little damage was caused but the first casualties occurred. However, a major Vichy French air attack on Gibraltar occurred on 24th September, 1940.
It seems neither side did much damage. Mers-el-Kebar is not a place in France or a suburb of Paris.

You can read about it if you want

After the war, Pétain was tried and convicted for treason. He was originally sentenced to death, but due to his age and World War I service his sentence was commuted to life in prison.
From his wiki page.
Hang about a minute

Usual speil trying to get Europe to spend more off defence would probably entail months of diplomatic negotiations costing millions in shuttle diplomacy a rain forest worth of paper in documentation


private jets flying around different capitals with armies of paoer shufflers and pencil pushers


Trump gets up utters a few choice words and it all seems to change

Sorted ??

Trump gets up utters a few choice words and it all seems to change
I'm guessing all the sensible world leaders, still continue to Trump behind his back. None of them take him seriously and merely endure his petulance for as long as is required. They understand it's a fixed term. You can hear the collective sigh of relief, when he exits anywhere.
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