Trump loses 20% of his net worth in a month

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How badly over leveraged is he?

It's interesting. He's wanting a bond company (or companies) to put up the money. He would need to give them collateral of 120%. He's saying that almost all his money is tied up in real estate and that these companies have a rule that they won't take real estate as collateral. I find that a bit hard to believe. I think the problem, as you suggest, is that they won't take Trump's real estate as collateral, because it isn't worth anything once you take account of the debt.

The wonderful irony is the reason he has been fined all this money is for overvaluing his properties to get bigger loans.
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Ridiculous fine for a victimless financial deal
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A bulk of the fine comes from two calculations: $168m from how much Trump saved on the interest of several loans, and $126m from the profit he made when he sold the Old Post Office building in Washington.

In his verdict, Engoron said that Trump profited by paying lower interest rates when working with lenders such as Deutsche Bank who, because of the fudged financial statements, believed Trump had a higher net worth.
A fine based on the money he lied to avoid paying.
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Shouldn't be, if you reckon you have billions though (y)
If he was sitting on 2.3 billion in Tesla and SpaceX shares then it'd be a case of selling them off but doing it slowly enough you don't crater the values.

But he's in property, so he'll be leveraged to hell and back. Too much value loss and he's in negative equity.
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I wouldn't say fantasy, but the fat orange tw@t collapsing while sh@tting himself - at a MAGA event - would come quite close (y)
I can see why your thinking that it would get him one up on Biden shyting himself while meeting g the pope
"..If forced to sell off his real estate empire in a “fire sale” to come up with the funds, he will face “textbook irreparable injury”, his legal team argued.."

Diddums, poor luv.

Don't suppose heavily mortgaged properties are worth much to sensible investors. I'm píss poor and I've got more readies than Trump, lol. :LOL:
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