Trump loses 20% of his net worth in a month

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That would be very annoying! The company has very little intrinsic value. And when Trump dies it will be worth nothing. But he may find enough supporters to buy his shares. If one million of his supporters buy $3000 worth each he will be laughing. At them!!

Digital World also cited the high rate of failure for new social media platforms, as well as Trump Media's expectation that it would lose money on its operations “for the foreseeable future.”
Trump Media lost $49 million in the first nine months of last year, when it brought in just $3.4 million in revenue and had to pay $37.7 million in interest expenses.
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Guess what time the merger was approved:

If I said Trump made me hate all orange people, and that he should be shot, would that make me a racist?
The theoretical value is interesting, he wouldn't be able to realise all that value as he'd need to find people willing to buy the stock for that, and the fundamentals of Trump Social are terrible. Loss making with no expectation of ever turning a profit.

And it won't change his financial situation before Monday, so doesn't have an impact on the foreclosure of Trump tower.
If Trump was not constrained by Western democracy, he would be a brutal dictator like Putin or Kim Jong il

The very weak US political system has already allowed Trump to wreak huge damage in USA.

I fail to see why people in Britain support him at all, why would any reasonable person support a pathological liar.
I just don’t get it
The money has to be paid today, the Donald will surely be behind bars by teatime.
The money has to be paid today, the Donald will surely be behind bars by teatime.
He won't be, but his company might start having its' assets seized for non payment by the court. And it might lead to a seventh bankruptcy notice.
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