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Recording and producing evidence of 'events' has never been easier. And yet - zilch.

Load of bowlax.
there has been evidence produced on lots of ocasions, also astronauts have reported sightings, I suppose you consider yourself more informed than they are.
They must exist, who else put the American flag on the moon...
It would be ridiculous to deny the likelihood of other intelligent life in the universe. Its overwhelmingly likely.

However, the chances of them having the technology to get here, from there, at the same time that we are here, is less likely.

if they did visit, I can't imagine they'd go to all that effort to observe. We'd get conquered pretty quick.
It would be ridiculous to deny the likelihood of other intelligent life in the universe. Its overwhelmingly likely.

However, the chances of them having the technology to get here, from there, at the same time that we are here, is less likely.

if they did visit, I can't imagine they'd go to all that effort to observe. We'd get conquered pretty quick.
Na Trump would sort them out no probs
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