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I believe in NHI. Too many instances being reported in the world by ordinary people, military, navy, air force, government employees to suggest it is all rubbish...

I hope that disclosure will happen soon. It seems that will be the case....

Billions say there is a god or gods (y)
Seeing as Koolpc thanked you for this comment, you'd think they'd follow Prof. Cox's lead and actually base their thoughts on proven science (y)
you mean Brian cox that says in the future it might be possible to get to the andromeda galaxy in 1 minute ?
Seeing as Koolpc thanked you for this comment, you'd think they'd follow Prof. Cox's lead and actually base their thoughts on proven science (y)

But, if you listened to the video the prof does say it may be possible to do those things that he was asked..
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its like we have all been saying from the off, you just cant rule anything out because who knows what is possible in the future that isnt possible now
Imagine saying to Henry VIII that one day man would be walking on the moon!!!!!

He would find that absolutely absurd and unrealistic and totally impossible!
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