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IMHO, "a flag on Mars" will be little more than when someone wins the speed climbing at the Olympics.....
Correct. If there were untapped riches there which would be beneficial to humans, maybe some effort would be put in.

Otherwise - pipe dream.
Getting to Mars, and swanning down the shops on Mars, are two entirely different propositions.
Man effectively conquered space when he set foot on the moon. We can free ourselves of Earths' gravity, we can travel in the vacuum of space and we can set down on another object. Space exploration for humans is all but done in that respect.

All this chatter about travelling great distances is ridiculous. The Earth is actually a rather hospitable place to live for humans. There is nothing comparable out there worth the effort. Mars (if we are lucky) is the last stop as far as mere folly is concerned, even then I have my doubts.
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Man effectively conquered space when he set foot on the moon. We can free ourselves of Earths' gravity, we can travel in the vacuum of space and we can set down on another object. Space exploration for humans is all but done in that respect.

All this chatter about travelling great distances is ridiculous. The Earth is actually a rather hospitable place to live for humans. There is nothing comparable out there worth the effort. Mars (if we are lucky) is the last stop as far as mere folly is concerned, even then I have my doubts.
Self driving cars was once science fiction which has now become reality. Back end of this decade they will be on our roads.
There comes a point at which this is going too far and although I like Musk for his stance on free speech and exposing how US taxpayer dollars are spent, this is not something I can get onboard with.
There comes a point at which this is going too far and although I like Musk for his stance on free speech and exposing how US taxpayer dollars are spent, this is not something I can get onboard with.
its just the next logical step, for cruise control.
To all who say the universe is too big for traveling in a life time. The way I see it is this, the original crew takes off from earth and. travels through the universe that is a one way ticket, they will die before reaching the destination, no problem as they reproduce as they are traveling and so on and so on until they reach the destination of wherever that is. The space craft simply becomes a traveling home for generations a bit like new age travellers but in space. Therefore inter galactic travel is possible and not out of the question.
The space craft simply becomes a traveling home for generations
Except there will be finite amounts oxygen, food, water and fuel on board. Did you forget that little snippet? And who in their right mind would sign up for a death in space? Life on Earth would need to be pretty awful for that to happen.
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