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This is a pretty compelling video and proves what the trolls are saying cannot be done. Watch and weep trolls.

This is a pretty compelling video and proves what the trolls are saying cannot be done. Watch and weep trolls.

Some genuinely good discussions out there from credible people.

UFO subject has got a load of bad press over the years because of the tiny minority of people who put up obviously fake news, pics and now CGI.

New documentary coming out that includes testimonies from incredibly good, trustworthy sources including government employees, armed forces, scientists etc.

Like i said before, we are definitely in the time of disclosure.
...but zero credible footage. Funny that. :rolleyes:

You havent watched any of those videos or you would see the truth, there is plenty of footage to show that you are wrong, you choose to shy away from the evidence because it is too much for you to comprehend.
A bit early for the glue, innit.
Be nice.

Seriously though just watching on the news about the two astronauts stuck on the space station, they've now sent another team to replace them and get them back home.

Who would of thought this possible 100 years ago? You cant underestimate what mankind is capable of.

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