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Denso put a paper up about ancient core drilling a year or two ago.

I still chuckle at that! The author quoted his wife and her cooking ability in the paper as part of his proof.

I was sold
By clever folk, and grafters (y)
Some of the blocks weigh 500 tonnes, how did they move them?
They must have had diamond core drills too, and electricity to make the perfect holes through solid granite.
No mention of such tools were ever written at the time.
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been proven it couldnt be done, we couldnt build them now
Don't be silly, there's programmes on it. How it was done then using many people and logs. Granted, it took a long time, but it could be, and was, done.

And it could be done now too.
In the days the pyramids were built, there was no machinery, JCBs excavators, not even an SDS drill. The blocks are perfectly square cut by hand apparantly, lifted by hand and placed absolutely plumb, perfectly aligned with the stars and we are to believe an ancient civilisation built them.
Some of the blocks weigh 500 tonnes, how did they move them?
They must have had diamond core drills too, and electricity to make the perfect holes through solid granite.
No mention of such tools were ever written at the time.
Your suggestion is?
Don't be silly, there's programmes on it. How it was done then using many people and logs. Granted, it took a long time, but it could be, and was, done.

And it could be done now too.
No it wasnt, everything is theory how they were built, each time a theory is published it is proven wrong. It would take generations and thousands of men to even attempt one.
Don't be silly, there's programmes on it. How it was done then using many people and logs. Granted, it took a long time, but it could be, and was, done.

And it could be done now too.
It cannot be done now? what makes you say this?
Same question to you (HM) as I posed to lf:

Your suggestion (if it couldn't be done) is?
Copper is too soft a material to cut anything with in these sizes, plus there wasnt a screw fix about in those days with everything ready on a shelf
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